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Sammy Kuo Award Winners



Kevin Beier, Malenka and Luo labs

"Circuit Architecture of VTA Dopamin Neurons Revealed by Systematic Input-Output Mapping", Cell, 162: 622-634


Graduate Student

Kiah Hardcastle, Giocomo lab

Environmental Boundaries as an Error Correction Mechanism for Grid Cells", Neuron, 86: 827-839



Han Mi Lee, Shatz lab

"Synapse Elimination and Learning Rules Co-Regulated by MHC Class I H2-Db", Nature, 509:195-200


Graduate Student

Matthew Figley, Gitler lab

"Profilin 1 Associates with Stress Granules and ALS-Linked Mutations Alter Stress Granule Dynamic", J. Neurosci, 34(24): 8083-8097



Nan Yang, Wernig lab

"Generation of oligodendroglial cells by direct lineage conversion", Nature Biotechnology,2013.


Graduate Student

Casey Guenther, Luo lab

"Permanent genetic access to transiently active neurons via TRAP: targeted recombination in active populations", Neuron, 2013.


Postdoctoral (tie)

Nicola Allen, Barres lab

"Astrocyteglypicans 4 and 6 promote formation of excitatory synapses via GluA1 and AMPA receptors", Nature, 2012.

Sergiu Pasca, Dolmetsch lab

"Using iPSC-derived neurons to uncover cellular phenotypes associated with Timothy syndrome", Nature Medicine, 2012.


Graduate Student

Poh Hui Chia, Shen lab

"NAB-1 instructs synapse assembly by linking adhesion molecules and F-actin to active zone proteins", Nature Neuroscience, 2012.



Kazunari Miyamichi, Luo lab

“Cortical representations of olfactory input by trans-synaptic tracing”, Nature, 2011.


Graduate Student

Saul Villeda, Wyss-Coray lab

“The aging systemic milieu negatively regulates neurogenesis and cognitive function”, Nature, 2011.



Mark Churchland, Shenoy lab

“Stimulus onset quenches neural variability: a widespread cortical phenomenon”, Nature Neuroscience, 2010.


Graduate student

Laura Prolo, Reimer lab

“The lysosomal sialic acid transporter sialin is required for normal CNS myelination”, Journal of Neuroscience, 2009.



Qi Zhang, Tsien lab

“The dynamic control of kiss-and-run and vesicular reuse probed with single nanoparticles”, Science, 2009.


Graduate student

Viviana Gradinaru and Murtaza Mogri, Deisseroth lab

“Optical deconstruction of Parkinsonian neural circuitry”, Science, 2009.



Antoine Adamantidis, DeLecea lab

“Neural substrates of awakening probed with optogenetic control of hypocretin neurons”, Nature, 2007.


Graduate student

Alex Katsov, Clandinin lab

“Motion processing streams in Drosophila are behaviorally specialized”, Neuron, 2008.