Justice Building

Recent Reports

September 7, 2017

Audit of the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security Equitable Sharing Program Activities, Nashville, Tennessee, Audit Report GR-40-17-006 — Summary | Full Report

September 7, 2017

Report of Investigation of the Actions of Former DEA Leadership in Connection with the Reinstatement of a Security Clearance, Oversight and Review Division Report 17-04 — Summary | Full Report | Press Release

September 7, 2017

Memorandum for the Deputy Attorney General: Recommendation for a Department of Justice Policy Establishing Standards for its Security Offices to Review Misconduct Investigations for Security Clearance Adjudications — Memorandum | Press Release

August 31, 2017

Audit of Compliance with Standards Governing Combined DNA Index System Activities at the Anne Arundel County Police Department Crime Laboratory, Millersville, Maryland, Audit Report GR-30-17-004 — Summary | Full Report

August 28, 2017

Findings of Misconduct by a Bureau of Prisons Warden for Showing Partiality to an Inmate and Engaging in Conduct That Created the Appearance of an Inappropriate Relationship With That Inmate

Updated: September 2017