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Graduate Research Grants

Call for Proposals

The McGee and Levorsen Research Grant program is funded by several sources within the School.   These grants should ideally be used as seed money for pioneering work that may lead to continuing support from other sources or as matching funds to help attract new grants.  Proposals to supplement support from ongoing research programs will also be considered.  Preference will be given to innovative research directions and to research projects that would not be possible with these grants. 

Who May Submit?:  These funds will be used to support doctoral student research or masters students intending to continue directly to the Ph.D.  

Allowable Expenses:  Research Supplies, research travel expenses, field expenses, or other special research costs.

Unallowable Expenses:  Computer hardware, travel costs or fees associated with attending non-Stanford courses or workshops, and travel costs associated with attending or presenting at professional conferences.
Previous award:  There is a two-time limit on these awards, as well as a lifetime limit of $6,000.  If you have had previous funding from this program, please indicate the date and amount when filling out your application.
Award amounts:  No individual grants will exceed $4,000 and many may be smaller, depending on demand.
Payment Method:  These research grants are considered a form of financial aid and disbursed as a fellowship stipend check. Fellowship stipends are considered taxable income.  If your research grant will primarily be used for travel you must use your department's TRAVEL Card to arrange for your plane tickets.  This will help to reduce your tax burden at year-end.  The balance of your grant will then be issued as a fellowship stipend.  Students who find themselves owing a considerable amount of income tax due to this fellowship payment, should contact Roni Holeton.  International students may have international taxes withheld from their stipend checks and should take this in to consideration when constructing their budgets. 

Form and Length of Proposal:  Proposals should be limited to no more than 3 double-spaced pages.  The inclusion of lengthy appendices is discouraged.  Proposals should include: 

1).  An abstract with:  a definition of the research question; a work plan; expected results and expectations for future funding. 

2). A budget for the project including any information about additional sources of funding. 

Selection Process:  Reviewers are Associate Dean, Steve Graham and Assistant Dean, Roni Holeton.  Proposals will be considered competitively.  Students should view this as an opportunity to develop new and exciting research ideas and to present these ideas in a concise and convincing proposal.  Requests to extend or to supplement support from ongoing, funded projects will be given lower priority.  Such proposals must present a strong case for the importance of continued support for the student’s research, as well as for the scientific significance of the project. 

Deadline:  Monday, April 27, 2015

Notification:  Funding Decisions will be announced in mid to late May. 

For questions, contact Roni Holeton (721-3383,