Physics/Applied Physics colloquia are an opportunity to present ongoing research in a casual environment to physics students and colleagues.  Detailed suggestions follow below.

Preparations for your talk

Colloquia are normally targeted at Physics and Applied Physics graduate and undergraduate students, as well as faculty from both departments, and the broader physics community.

  • The entire talk should not exceed ~1 hour, including 5 minutes for announcements and at least 5 minutes for questions.
  • Provide the colloquium host with a title and abstract as soon as possible after your invitation, but no later than two weeks before the talk.
  • Hewlett 201 has video projection for powerpoint presentations, etc., and a technician is available to assist.  VGA connections are available.  Please bring any necessary adaptors for your laptop, tablet, etc., that you plan to connect.
  • Consider what this particular audience of students and faculty might like to learn from your work.  Remember that some of the audience will be undergraduates. Your title, abstract, and much of the talk should be understandable by (and interesting to) an advanced undergrad or first year grad student in physics, not an advanced student or faculty member in the specific subfield.

Prior to the colloquium

  • Coffee and donuts are provided in the Varian Physics lobby at 4:15 PM, and the colloquium begins at 4:30 PM in the Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 201. NOTE:  Colloq. reception & talk start times are 15 mins. later than previous years, effective 9/1/15.  The reception starts at 4:15 and the talk is at 4:30 PM.
  • Arrive a few minutes early to allow for setup and/or consultation with the technician.
  • The talk and questions should be over by ~5:30 PM.

After the colloquium/Travel arrangements before colloquium

  • When making travel reservations, pls. note that Stanford will reimburse economy airfare only, and if you rent a car, do not request additional insurance, as Stanford already covers that, and will not pay for additional insurance.  Your Stanford host's admin. will be happy to make your lodging arrangments, so please inform your host of your itinerary at your earliest convenience.  We typically cover two nights' lodging, and you will be taken out for dinner by your host on the Tuesday evening following your colloquium (other meal expenses incurred during your visit will be reimbursed).  Submit your original receipts (+ proof of payment) for travel expenses to your host's administrative associate.  If you are an international visitor, an LA-6 form is required, along with copies of your visa documents. 

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Guidelines for Speakers

Guidelines for Hosts (requires webauth login)