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Why women are more at risk than men in earthquake-ravaged Nepal

The BriefYour world right now

6 hours ago

Six officers will be charged in the death of Freddie Gray.

  Baltimore’s top prosecutor ruled the death of 25-year-old Gray was a homicide, and said she had probable cause to pursue criminal charges. The officers will face charges of varying degrees—one arrest warrant is for second-degree murder. Gray’s death incited widespread, sometimes violent protests against police brutality in in Baltimore.  
7 hours ago

The Obama administration will fund police body cameras.

  The US Justice department said it would dole out $20 million in grants to local police departments to purchase body cameras, for training and developing best practices. The move is part of a $75 million, three-year program approved by Congress and requested by president Obama, amid rising public demand for police accountability.        
7 hours ago

Credit rating firms won’t stand in the way of Greece’s emergency funding.

  Missing a loan payment to the International Monetary Fund or European Central Bank might endanger Greece’s future in the euro zone, but it won’t earn the country a default rating from Standard & Poor’s, Fitch, and DBRS, Reuters reports. This technicality is crucial to keeping the credit spigot open.
6 hours ago

US will require electronic brakes for trains carrying crude oil and ethanol.

  With recent accidents putting pressure on government officials to strengthen regulations, US authorities, in conjunction with Canadian regulators, will introduce the tough new rules on Friday, the Wall Street Journal reports. The pneumatic breaks are costlier than the air breaks used now, but they deploy faster.
3 hours ago

Milan is burning as people protest the global Expo fair.

  Tear gas, fire, and smoke filed the streets of Milan as protesters clashed with police after the opening ceremony of Milan Expo 2015. The six-month-long global fair focuses on sustainable food production, but a variety of left-wing activists see it as “a symbol of waste and corruption.”
May 01, 2015

Lloyds bucked the trend for big British banks.

  The lender reported strong underlying quarterly earnings, thanks to a sharp fall in bad debt costs. Unlike rivals like Barclays and RBS, which reported largely dismal results this week, Lloyds did not set aside more money to cover potential legal costs.
5 hours ago
Chart of the Moment

America’s newsrooms are very, very white

May 01, 2015

Turkey winds down from a turbulent Labor Day.

  Reports say more than 200 people were arrested in Istanbul after protesters defied a government ban against May 1 demonstrations. Police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowds. (paywall) Earlier reports said the authorities deployed at at least 10,000 police officers to the capital. Workers around the world celebrated International Workers’ Day.
1 hour ago

No special treatment for Kim Jong-un in Russia.

  The North Korean dictator refused an invitation to Moscow for events commemorating the Soviet Union’s victory in World War II. Theories as to why range from security concerns to potential diplomatic awkwardness with other visiting dignitaries, to fears of being seen at home as just your run-of-the-mill VIP.

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This is what life looks like right now in earthquake-ravaged Nepal

Rocketing remittances

Billions of dollars from overseas workers will be key to rebuilding Nepal’s ravaged economy

The deadliest, and costliest, earthquakes in recent history

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Two days of earthquakes have set Nepal’s economy back by more than a decade

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Team effort

Indian helicopters, Israeli hospitals and Malaysian medics: How the world is coming to Nepal’s aid

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