
Resources for all future GWEs will be hosted at the new site: http://sites.google.com/a/cuetoyou.net/gwe/

An experience like the Google Teacher Academy is now available to any educational institution.
Simply host a Google Workshop for Educators!

Complete the GWE Request Form today!


Search, learn, share! Brought to you by Computer Using Educators (CUE), the producers of the Google Teacher Academy, the nationally acclaimed Google Workshop for Educators (GWE) introduces participants to innovative ways Google tools can be used in education. A full day of fast-paced presentations and hands-on activities includes experience with advanced search techniques, collaborative web-based applications, and inspirational instructional strategies. Google Certified Teachers share ways they've implemented tools such as Google Docs, Google Maps, Google Sites, and... even more. Participants who complete the event are given access to the Google Workshops for Educators Network (GWEN), an online community focused on supporting educators as they learn more about the power of Google to drive student learning. 

NOTE: A Google Workshop for Administrators is now available as well. Simply indicate "administrators" as the primary audience when booking an event (see below).


Google Workshop for Educator evaluation results are overwhelming positive, and the comments participants leave speak volumes about the quality of the experience. These comments are typical of what participants say after every GWE:
  • This is the most valuable workshop I have attended in the last 5 years. It has the ability to impact education in ways that are engaging and exciting for students. Every school should be participating in Google for Educators. -Tina, Minneapolis, MN
  • This workshop was fabulous.  I have not learned so much in just one day in a while.  I am re-energized about implementing technology in education and I have new tools to share with others.  Very exciting! -Carole, Las Vegas NV
  • There were so many aspects of Google that I hadn't been aware of.  It was great to learn about all the features and I look forward to using them professionally and personally! -Stacy, Greensburg, PA
  • Wow!  I learned more today than I have in the last year of professional development! -Anonymous, Las Vegas, NV
  • This workshop was fantastic and really opened my eyes to some of the great things that districts can be doing in their classrooms! Thank you! -Anonymous, Rutgers, NJ
  • This was absolutely wonderful! Thank you so much for the workshop! I am definitely sharing these things with my teachers Monday! -Kimberleigh, Orange County, CA
  • I really enjoyed the workshop.  I took away many things that are new and am now trying to share with others or implement. Thank you so much for the terrific day! -Anonymous, Souix Falls, SD
  • I have been using Google apps for a while now. This workshop took me to the "next level" and gave me an opportunity to work with it at a more granular level. -Matt, Northfield, MN
  • I've learned so much today.  So many things I have heard about, but haven't had the time to navigate through.  You did an excellent job and at a great pace. -Marie, Nashville, TN
  • One of the best workshops I've EVER been to.  Can't wait to get back and share with staff and students. THANKS!  -Robin, Rapid City, SD


A Google Workshop for Educators can be hosted at your facility in any of the following four formats:
  • Single Lab Option - The GWE is hosted in a single fixed computer lab with Windows, Mac, or Linux computers for all participants (in addition to a projector and screen for the Lead Learners). Participants remain in the lab as Lead Learners take turns sharing various topics. Capacity depends on the lab, but 20-30 participants is typical.
  • Single Room BYOL Option - The GWE is hosted in a single classroom with tables, power strips, and strong wifi (in addition to a projector and screen for the Lead Learners). Participants bring their own laptop and remain in the room as Lead Learners take turns sharing various topics. Capacity depends on the room, but 20-30 participants is typical.
  • Mutiple Lab Option - The GWE is hosted a facility, such as a school site, with multiple fixed computer labs (each with Windows, Mac, or Linux computers for all participants and a projector & screen for the Lead Learners). A large meeting room, such as a theater or auditorium, where all participants can meet is also necessary.  Participants begin in the large room and then rotate through the labs for "breakout sessions" with specific Lead Learners. Capacity of 50-90 participants is typical.
  • Multiple Room BYOL Option - The GWE is hosted in a facility with one large meeting room, such as a theater or auditorium, and several smaller classrooms with tables, power strips, and strong wifi (in addition to a projector and screen for the Lead Learners).  Participants bring their own laptop and then rotate between the large room and the smaller classrooms for "breakout sessions" with specific Lead Learners. Capacity of 50-90 participants is typical.


A Google Workshop for Educators can be brought to your staff (or to educators in your area) at a price of $275 per participant for the full-day experience, complete with access to the Google Workshop for Educators Network (GWEN) at the end of the event. 

This service includes needs assessment, online registration, the Lead Learners (including travel), a custom curriculum, online resources, printed materials for each participant, Google swag for each participant, and an online evaluation. Requests to add or remove features (or higher travel costs depending on location) may affect the price of the event. A custom proposal will be prepared to meet your needs.

Because some host organizations cannot fund an entire group of participants, two registration options are available: 
  • Group Registration - The host organization handles the registration process independently and then provides CUE with a list of attendees and a check for the lump sum of their registration fees.
  • Individual Registration - CUE handles online registration, allowing individuals to sign up and pay via credit card online. 


Contact Danny Silva, CUE's professional development coordinator, for additional details or to book an event. You may also complete the online GWE Request Form to request an event.

Danny Silva 
Professional Development Coordinator
Computer Using Educators (CUE)

Produced By Computer Using Educators, Inc. (CUE)
A Nonprofit Dedicated to Advancing Student Achievement Through Technology
CUE is an official Google Professional Development partner.