The Crib Sheet:
Google DocsDocs and Spreadsheets in the Classroom [PDF]
The Tools:
Activity 1: Spreadsheets
- Click on this link to access our collaborative spreadsheet.
- Add your name to the first column.
- In your row, quickly fill anything technology/education related to the appropriate column
Activity 2: Google Docs in Action
Doc: Create a packing list for the ultimate vacation (bonus pts for including images).
Presentation: Create a short visual presentation about what you would do with a million dollars (bonus points for video).
Spreadsheet: Create a spreadsheet of 3 different fun stats on the people in your group (bonus points for creating a chart or graph).
- Teams have 10 minutes to collaboratively complete the task.
- Elect someone from your group to invite the group to a common document.
- Large group brainstorm: How can you immediately use Docs?
Activity 3: Forms
- Complete this survey.
- View the results.
- Create your own form (survey, assessment, evaluation, info gathering)
Auto Fill Gadgets
Word Cloud
Word Search
Additional Resources:
How to do peer editing with students (Screencast)
Full Self Grading Quiz - Video
Official Google Docs Blog
NEW! Educational Spreadsheet Gadgets
Google Docs for Educators
Using Google Docs in the Classroom
New! Drawing Tools
Google Docs Classroom Ideas Wiki
Teach Collaborative Revision with Google Docs
Educator's Guide- Teaching Revision with Google Docs
10 Google Forms Ideas for the classroom - provides template copies for each form by Tom Barrett
Sample Permission Slip for Google Apps for Education (includes Docs and other Web 2.0 tools)
A District Administrator Talk About Google Docs and the impact it has had on the classic research paper
Interview with Special Educator on using Google Docs