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C-RES Charge



Charge to the Committee on Research

(As adopted by the Senate of the Academic Council on 10/25/69 with revisions adopted by the Senate on 10/2/69, 5/27/71, 5/29/86, 6/15/89, 1/23/92 and 6/10/93, 10/12/00)

A.  General Charge

The Committee on Research, subject to the Charter and Rules of the Senate, shall formulate policy on research, including policy governing the procedures to be used in the University for re­viewing and ap­proving externally sponsored pro­jects, proposals, and awards. The Committee shall review the opera­tions of the University's principal officer for Re­search with respect to the implementa­tion of such policy. The committee shall review implementation of such policy and practices that affect faculty ability to do research and the manner in which research is conducted and reported, as the need arises.

B.  Specific Duties

The Committee shall receive the recom­mendations of the University's principal officer for Research, and shall determine:

  1. The standards of acceptability of pro­pos­als or awards tendered by principal inves­tigators or spon­soring agencies, with respect to prevailing policy on research approved by the Senate of the Academic Council;
  2. The administrative system for deciding the sta­tus of individual proposals or awards as­serted to be in conflict with prevailing policy on research ap­proved by the Senate of the Academic Council;
  3. Policies governing the committee's con­sideration of questions or complaints raised by re­search personnel regarding the administration of externally spon­sored projects.
  4. The criteria for judging the appropriate­ness of the level of University services, and the overhead rate, necessary for support of research.

C.  Reporting Responsibilities

The Chair of the committee is charged specifically with the following duties:

  1. Keeping the Academic Secretary ap­prised of the substantive issues under considera­tion by the Committee, and reporting in writing to the Aca­demic Secretary within seven days of the Committee action, any policy decision or recom­mendation which may require Senate endorse­ment.
  2. Submitting to the Academic Secretary no later than August 1, one copy of a written Annual Report of the work of the Committee during the year just com­pleted. The Annual Report should observe the current Guide­lines for the Preparation of Reports and Proposals to the Senate of the Academic Council (SenD#2854).

D.  Membership

The Committee shall consist of twelve voting members including seven members of the Academic Council, one member of the Academic Staff-Research, one postdoctoral scholar, at least 2 doctoral students and one additional student The University's principal officer for Re­search and a deputy of that officer shall be ex officio members of the committee without vote.

E.  Minimal Number of Meetings

The Committee shall meet at least six times dur­ing the academic year, one of which meetings shall be an open hearing as provided in the Sen­ate Resolution of April 24, 1969.

F.   Staff Support

The University's principal officer for Re­search shall be responsible for providing staff and secre­tarial assistance to the Committee.

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