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C-USP Charge



Charge to the Committee on Undergraduate Standards and Policy

(As approved by the Senate of the Academic Council on May 30, 2002 subject to review at end of first year—May 2003, January 2008)

A.  General Charge

The Committee on Undergraduate Policy, subject to the Charter and Rules of the Senate, shall formulate policy governing the substance and process of undergraduate education, as well as the evaluation and recording of undergraduate achievement, and shall review the implementation of such policy. The Committee shall work closely with the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education in the development of new academic opportunities for undergraduates, and in the oversight of ongoing extra-school initiatives.

Note: The Committee on Undergraduate Standards and Policy, established in 2002, combines many of the duties of the former Committees on Undergraduate Studies and on Academic Appraisal and Achievement.

B.  Specific Duties

The Committee shall recommend to the Senate each quarter the list of candidates who have satisfied the requirements for the baccalaureate degree. The Committee shall also remain cognizant of the work of, and hold at least one joint meeting annually with, the Committee on Review of Undergraduate Majors. The Committee on Undergraduate Standards and Policy shall formulate:

  1. Policies governing the structure and quality of the undergraduate curriculum;
  2. University requirements for the baccalaureate degree, and procedures for granting exceptions to these requirements;
  3. Standards for academic progress toward the baccalaureate degree;
  4. Policies and standards for evaluation and acceptance of transfer credit and credit by examination for undergraduates;
  5. Standards for conferral of University distinction upon graduation;
  6. An appropriate system of academic advising for undergraduate students;
  7. Standards and criteria for accreditation of extra-departmental courses, as well as the standards and criteria for appointment of any teacher of an undergraduate course unless appointed by a department or school; 

As approriate and , if needed, in consultation with the Committee on Graudate Studies: 

8. Policies governing registration, class and examina-tion schedules, and the academic calendar; 
Appropriate systems of grading (in undergraduate courses);
Appropriate systems for the improvement and evaluation of teaching (of undergraduate courses);
Standards and systems to ensure the effectiveness of teaching assistants in undergraduate courses.

C.  Reporting Responsibilities

1. The Chair of the Committee is charged specifically with the following duties:

  • Keeping the Academic Secretary apprised of the substantive issues under considera­tion by the Committee, its Subcommittees and its Reporting Committees:
  • informing the Academic Secretary in a timely fashion of any proposed major policy change un­der consideration in case the matter should be brought to the Senate's attention for discussion before a Committee decision is made, and;
  • reporting in writing to the Academic Secretary, within seven days of Committee action, any policy decision or recommendation that may require Senate endorsement.

2.   Submitting to the Academic Secretary no later than August 1, one copy of a written Annual Report of the work of the Committee during the year just completed. The Annual Report should observe the current Guidelines for the Preparation of Reports and Proposals to the Senate of the Academic Council.

D.  Membership

The Committee shall consist of eleven voting members, comprised of seven members of the Academic Council, one Lecturer or Senior Lecturer, and three undergraduate students. Of the non-student members on the Committee, there shall be a majority from the School of Humanities and Sciences, at least one from the School of Engineering, and, from the other Schools, at least one who maintains an interest in undergraduate education. The Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, the School of Engineering Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs, the School of Humanities and Sciences Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies, and the Registrar shall be ex officio members of the Committee without vote.

E.  Subcommittees

The Committee shall establish the requirements for membership, appoint and charge standing subcommittees only in the following areas (as needed in each year):

  1. General Education Requirements
  2. Residential Education and Advising
  3. Evaluation and Improvement of Teaching
  4. Academic Standing
  5. Exceptions to Academic Policy
  6. University Honors and Awards

The Committee may establish the require­ments for membership, appoint and charge ad hoc subcommittees in areas of specified reference.

F.   Reporting Committees

Bodies responsible for oversight of university-wide curricular programs are charged to report annually to the Committee on Undergraduate Standards and Policy, and, through the Commit­tee, to the Faculty Senate. Such bodies include, but are not limited to, the Overseas Studies Faculty Advisory Committee, the Area One Governance Board, the Language Center, the Governance Board of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric, and the Committee on Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation.

It is the responsibility of the Committee on Un­dergraduate Standards and Policy to remain informed about the policy issues under consideration by these Reporting Committees and to provide advice and counsel on those policy issues as appropriate (i.e. at the initiative of a Reporting Committee, of the Committee on Undergraduate Standards and Policy itself, or of the cognizant Vice Provost or dean).

G.  Minimum Number of Meetings

The Committee shall meet at least six times during the academic year.

H.  Staff Support

The Registrar shall be responsible for providing administrative assistance to the Committee and its standing subcommittees.

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