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The Year of Learning Planning Committee

The Year of Learning planning committee members include:

Jeremy Bailenson

Jeremy Bailenson

Jeremy Bailenson is founding director of Stanford University’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab, an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication, a Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment, Faculty Director of Stanford’s Digital Learning Forum, and a Faculty Leader at Stanford’s Center for Longevity.

Michael Bernstein

Michael Bernstein is Assistant Professor of Computer Science, where he co-directs the Human-Computer Interaction group and is a Robert N. Noyce Family Faculty Scholar.

Tom Byers

Tom Byers is the Entrepreneurship Professor in the School of Engineering, a Bass University Fellow in Undergraduate Education, and a Faculty Director for the Stanford Technology Ventures Program.

Geoffrey Cohen

Geoffrey Cohen

Geoffrey Cohen is the James G. March Professor of Organizational Studies in Education and Business, Professor of Psychology, and Professor of Organizational Behavior (by courtesy) at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Robyn Wright Dunbar

Robyn Wright Dunbar

Robyn Wright Dunbar is Senior Director of Learning Experience Design, Office of the Vice Provost for Online Learning.

Thomas Ehrlich

Thomas Ehrlich is a Visiting Professor in the Graduate School of Education and a former Law Professor and Dean of Stanford Law School. 

Amir Eshel

Amir Eshel is the Edward Clark Crossett Professor of Humanistic Studies, Professor of Comparative Literature, Professor of German Studies, affiliated faculty of The Europe Center, affiliated faculty of the Center for International Security and Cooperation, and Faculty Director of the Contemporary Research Group.

Caroline Hoxby

Caroline Hoxby, Scott and Donya Bommer Professor of Economics , and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. She is also Director of the Economics of Education Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research, and co-editor of the book, How the Financial Crisis and Great Recession Affected Higher Education. 

Roberta Katz

Roberta Reiff Katz is Associate Vice President for Strategic Planning in the Office of the President, assisting with the development and implementation of a variety of new university-wide initiatives as well as the ongoing strategic support of various interdisciplinary endeavors throughout the university. 

Phill Pizzo

Philip A. Pizzo, M.D. is the David and Susan Heckerman Professor and Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, and a former Dean of the Stanford University School of Medicine.

Rob Reich

Rob Reich is Associate Professor of Political Science with a joint appointment in the Program in Ethics in Society; Associate Professor, by courtesy, Department of Philosophy; Associate Professor, by courtesy, School of Education; Faculty Director, Program in Ethics in Society; Faculty Co-Director, Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society; and Stanford Alumni University Fellow in Undergraduate Education, part of the Bass University Fellow in Undergraduate Education. 

Sheri Sheppard

Sheri Sheppard

Sheri Sheppard is the Burton J and Deedee McMurtry University Fellow in Undergraduate Education and Professor of Mechanical Engineering. She leads the Design Education Lab at Stanford, and has served a Chair of the Faculty Senate and as Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Education.

Mitchell Stevens

Mitchell Stevens is Associate Professor of Education and (by courtesy) Sociology.

Candace Thill

Candace Thille is an Assistant Professor of Education at the Graduate School of Education and Senior Research Fellow for the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning. She is also the founding director of the Open Learning Initiative at Carnegie Mellon University.

Carl Wieman

Carl Wieman is Professor of Physics and of Education. He has pioneered the use of experimental techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of various teaching strategies for physics and other sciences, and recently served as Associate Director for Science in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. 

Caroline Winterer

Caroline Winterer is Director & Anthony P. Meier Family Professor in the Humanities, at the Stanford Humanities Center, and Professor of History and (by courtesy) of Classics.