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Innovation Transfer Grants

The TomKat Center's Innovation Transfer Program helps Stanford inventors of sustainable energy technology bridge the gap between research and commercialization. Grants are awarded to develop prototypes, to refine business plans, and to conduct customer trials and market research.  To learn about the projects, choose a filter below or select "Any" to see the full list of TomKat Center seed grant projects.

Funding Year Name Description Team Members
2015 Fall Aerial Intelligence Remote sensing with state-of-the-art computing methods to rapidly deliver crop yield forecasts

Parthsarathi Trivedi (MBA), Adam Heffez (MBA), Omkar Joshi (MS, EE), Derrick Liu (BS, CS) and Prof. David Lobell (ESS)

2015 Spr ClearMetal Reducing the transportation sector's carbon footprint through predictive demand and optimization of shipping-container logistics

Adam Compain (MBA, GSB), Will Harvey (BS CS; MS MS&E), Diego Canales (BS CS; MS MS&E), & Prof. Seungjin Whang (GSB)

2014 Fall Opus 12 Turning CO2 into fuels and chemicals

Kendra Kuhl (PhD ChemE/SLAC), Etosha Cave (PhD, ME), Nicholas Flanders (MBA/MS E-IPER), & Prof. Tom Jaramillo (ChemE)

2014 Fall Summer Technologies Transforming agriculture and land management through the mobile cloud based PastureMap platform

Christine Su (MBA/MS E-IPER), Joel Kek (CS), Dapheny Wono, & Prof. Peter Vitousek (Biology)

2014 Fall Vorpal Small, low energy devices for sterilizing liquids using pulsed electric field (PEF) technology

Luke Raymond (PhD, EE), Wei Liang (PhD, EE), & Prof. Juan Rivas-Davila (EE)

2014 Spr Ceres Imaging Remote Spectral Imaging for Sustainable Ranching and Agriculture

Robbie Bunge (PhD, AA), Ashwin Madgavkar (MBA/MS, GSB/E-IPER), Robert Heilmayr (PhD, E-IPER) and Prof. Peter Vitousek (Biology)

2013 Fall NGEN Technologies Energy generating waste water treatment system

Yaniv Scherson (Postdoc, CEE) and Prof. Craig Criddle (CEE)