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Innovation Transfer Grants

The TomKat Center's Innovation Transfer Program helps Stanford inventors of sustainable energy technology bridge the gap between research and commercialization. Grants are awarded to develop prototypes, to refine business plans, and to conduct customer trials and market research.  To learn about the projects, choose a filter below or select "Any" to see the full list of TomKat Center seed grant projects.

Funding Year Name Description Team Members
2015 Spr Cuberg High-performance solid state electrolytes for the next generation lithium-ion batteries

Mauro Pasta (Post Doc, MSE), Richard Wang (PhD, MSE) & Prof. Yi Cui (MSE)

2015 Spr Humblade Miniature ultrasound sensor system for structural monitoring applications

Alex Guo (Post Doc, PhD, EE), Kevin Zheng (PhD, EE), & Prof. Boris Murmann (EE)

2015 Spr Spark Thermionics A novel thermionic energy converter (TEC) based on a microfabricated architectiure

Dan Riley (PhD, Phys), Jared Schwede (PhD, Phys), Nandita Bhaskhar (PhD, EE), & Prof. Roger Howe (EE)

2014 Fall Opus 12 Turning CO2 into fuels and chemicals

Kendra Kuhl (PhD ChemE/SLAC), Etosha Cave (PhD, ME), Nicholas Flanders (MBA/MS E-IPER), & Prof. Tom Jaramillo (ChemE)

2014 Spr Citrine Informatics Big Data / Analytics applied to Sustainable Materials Discovery and Development

Bryce Meredig (MBA, GSB), Greg Mulholland (MBA, GSB) Dr. Kyle Michel and Prof. Jens Norskov (ChemE)

2013 Fall NGEN Technologies Energy generating waste water treatment system

Yaniv Scherson (Postdoc, CEE) and Prof. Craig Criddle (CEE)

2013 Fall Aurora: "Smart Solar Power" Integrated cloud based PV design software

Samuel Adeyemo (MBA, MS E-IPER), Chris Hopper (MBA), Al Karim Lalani (BA, MS, MS&E), Meseker Yohannes (MS, CS), Tomas Tinoco du Rubira (PhD, EE), Haley Sims (BS, Engineering) and Prof. Gil Masters (CEE)

2013 Fall DragonFly Systems Novel electronics for reducing PV installation cost

Eric Mansfield (MS, MatSci), Andrew Ponec (BS, MatSci), Daniel Maren (BS, CS), Darren Hau (BS, EE) with Prof. Bill Dally (CS).