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Robb Willer

Robb Willer

Professor of Sociology; and (by courtesy) Graduate School of Business; and (by courtesy) Department of Psychology
Ph.D., Cornell University, 2006
M.A., Cornell University, 2004
B.A., University of Iowa, 1999


Robb Willer is a Professor in the Departments of Sociology, Psychology (by courtesy), and the Graduate School of Business (by courtesy) at Stanford University. He received his Ph.D. and M.A. in Sociology from Cornell University and his B.A. in Sociology from the University of Iowa. He previously taught at the University of California, Berkeley.

Professor Willer’s teaching and research focus on the bases of social order. One line of his research investigates the factors driving the emergence of collective action, norms, solidarity, generosity, and status hierarchies. In other research, he explores the social psychology of political attitudes, including the effects of fear, prejudice, and masculinity in contemporary U.S. politics. Most recently, his work has focused on morality, studying how people reason about what is right and wrong and the social consequences of their judgments. His research involves various empirical and theoretical methods, including laboratory and field experiments, surveys, direct observation, archival research, physiological measurement, agent-based modeling, and social network analysis.

Willer’s research has appeared in such journals as the American Journal of SociologyAmerican Sociological ReviewAnnual Review of SociologyJournal of Personality and Social PsychologyPsychological ScienceAdministrative Science QuarterlyProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences. He has received grants from the National Science Foundation, the California Environmental Protection Agency, and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. His work has received paper awards from the American Sociological Association’s sections on Social Psychology, Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity, Mathematical Sociology, Peace, War, and Social Conflict, and Rationality and Society.

His research has also received widespread media coverage including from the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the Washington Post, Science, Nature, Time, U.S. News and World Report, Scientific American, Harper’s, Slate, CNNNBC Nightly News, The Today Show, and National Public Radio.

Willer was the 2009 recipient of the Golden Apple Teaching award, the only teaching award given by UC-Berkeley's student body.


Selected Publications

Journal Articles & Book Chapters

Related News

Nov 23 2015 | New York Times
Robb Willer and Matthew Feinberg's article on the key to political persuasion was published in the NY Times.
Nov 23 2015 | Los Angeles Times
Robb Willer's research on inequality and generosity is the focus of a new article in the Los Angeles Times.