Core Content for Wilderness Medicine Fellowship Training of Emergency Medicine Graduates ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE Lipman, G. S., Weichenthal, L., Harris, N. S., McIntosh, S. E., Cushing, T., Caudell, M. J., Macias, D. J., Weiss, E. A., Lemery, J., Ellis, M. A., Spano, S., McDevitt, M., Tedeschi, C., Dow, J., Mazzorana, V., McGinnis, H., Gardner, A. F., Auerbach, P. S. 2014; 21 (2): 204-207


Wilderness medicine is the practice of resource-limited medicine under austere conditions. In 2003, the first wilderness medicine fellowship was established, and as of March 2013, a total of 12 wilderness medicine fellowships exist. In 2009 the American College of Emergency Physicians Wilderness Medicine Section created a Fellowship Subcommittee and Taskforce to bring together fellowship directors, associate directors, and other interested stakeholders to research and develop a standardized curriculum and core content for emergency medicine (EM)-based wilderness medicine fellowships. This paper describes the process and results of what became a 4-year project to articulate a standardized curriculum for wilderness medicine fellowships. The final product specifies the minimum core content that should be covered during a 1-year wilderness medicine fellowship. It also describes the structure, length, site, and program requirements for a wilderness medicine fellowship.

View details for DOI 10.1111/acem.12304

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