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Title IX Administrative Policy and Procedures

Title IX Administrative Policy and Procedures

The Title IX Administrative Policy and Procedures addresses Stanford University’s responsibilities under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex (gender) in educational programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. Similarly, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, Section 304 requires that universities have procedures in place to respond to matters of sexual assault, relationship (dating) violence and stalking. This policy covers student-related concerns of sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, relationship (dating or domestic) violence and stalking (collectively "Prohibited Conduct") involving students, regardless of whether the alleged Prohibited Conduct occurred on or off of campus and regardless of the sex of the parties involved. Learn more about the policy and procedures by clicking the link at the beginning of this paragraph.

The Office of Community Standards' Alternate Review Process (ARP)

The Alternate Review Process and Procedures (ARP): Sexual misconduct, sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking are types of misconduct that violate the Fundamental Standard governing student behavior at Stanford University. The Office of Community Standards investigates all formal complaints of student misconduct and files formal charges if the evidence supports the allegation. The ARP was specifically designed to address charges of sexual misconduct, sexual assault, relationship (dating or domestic) violence and stalking. Learn more about the policy and procedures by clicking the link at the beginning of this paragraph.

Related Policies and Procedures

Administrative Guide 1.7.1: Sexual Harassment

Administrative Guide 1.7.2: Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships In the Workplace and Educational Setting

Administrative Guide 1.7.3: Prohibited Sexual Conduct: Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Relationship Violence