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Als je het niet probeert, lukt het zeker niet. #ennuaandeslag

I am nice, but some people make it hard to be nice to them and that just causes all of my niceness to go straight out the window.

Finally realizing that. Can't get back time wasted on people that you don't want to be with anymore. OVER IT!!!

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." - Douglas Adams

Cherish each moment you have with them....Miss you mom and dad.

Tips for Married Couple, A marriage life can be successful if the husband love the lord truly . tips to have a successful married life,Famous Bible Verses, , jesus christ , daily inspirational quotes with images, bible verses for inspiration

Want this!!!!

"HONOR - The difference between the good guys and the bad guys is whether they use human shields or make themselves human shields."

Can you relate? Sometimes it can feel like you're sending your "babies" off to college. Try to trust in the fact they are becoming independent adults and remember that this transition is an important part of growing up.

Come read this amazing blog post...a CLASSROOM FASHION FORECAST for the spring by someone who works with TOP NYC DESIGNERS such as Oscar de la Renta and Calvin Klein! So much fun!!

This is me. Sometimes. Most of the time.

Teachers say, "You had all this time to do these things, but you didn't do them." And I say, "That's because there were too many things." Doesn't end well for me. -INFP.

in the blink of an eye... wish I could make certain people in my life wake up and realize whats important in life

Let it marinate, Phoenix! Be self-love in action. Create the day YOU want to have, and start it with self-acceptance. [Join the Collective. The Phoenix Rising Collective]

Why I Write - Goins, Writer: On Writing, Ideas, and Making a Difference