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Today's SF forecast: • You'll get cold, put on hoodie • You'll get sweaty, take off hoodie • You'll stop to sit down, get cold, put on hoodie • You'll walk uphill, get sweaty, take off hoodie • You'll walk downhill, get cold, put on hoodie • Repeat until September
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Nothing says summer in San Francisco like a space heater near the couch and 3 extra blankets on the bed
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It’s taken me hundreds of years to perfect that straight line …
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Current view of San Francisco:
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Heaven is a place on earth …
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Things that are foggy: me Things that aren't foggy: San Francisco if global warming keeps up so march with
@ThisIsZeroHour and keep me around for another few millennia …Hvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Today’s high: 68 degrees Today’s low: when the US president doesn’t believe his own country’s intel one day and then changes his mind the next day
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Today’s forecast: mostly foggy with a high chance of treason
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Sweeping into San Francisco for Sunday night
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Hvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi
Current temperatures NYC: 89 Boston: 92 Philly: 94 DC: 91 Chicago: 89 Atlanta: 88 St Louis: 96 Phoenix: 108 Salt Lake City: 95 Dallas: 96 San Francisco: 65
Hvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
You know how much I love ruining the 4th of July. But it’s been a shitty year and you deserve a break, so I’m taking the night off. Happy independence from me day.
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#FourthofJuly forecast: mostly foggy with a high chance of disappointmentHvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi -
Hvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi
Hvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi
Clarification of what’s going on: -I came back from vacation last night so it’s foggy -The smoke from the fire reached SF last night so the combo is making everything look yellow/red -Children shouldn’t be in cages and Trump is still a pathological liar
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Karl the Fog proslijedio/la je TweetHvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi
Feel that wind? See those tiny clouds floating across the sky? I’m back and ready to celebrate gray pride
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Hvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi
It’s already above 70 and it’s not even 10am. Welcome to the worst day ever.
Hvala. Twitter će to iskoristiti za poboljšanje vaše vremenske crte. PoništiPoništi
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