LA Review of BooksCuenta verificada


A multimedia literary and cultural arts magazine with an enduring commitment to the written word.

Los Angeles, CA
Se unió en marzo de 2010


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  1. Tweet fijado
    1 dic.

    Our 2018 fund drive is now live! Please lend your support by Dec. 31, 2018 — donations will be matched up to $100K.

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  2. "That feminist anger can, in poetry, be boomed, as well as probed or explored or sensitively rendered is necessary and refreshing." Lindsay Turner on Sandra Simonds's "Orlando":

  3. Deshacer
  4. "Isn’t every good novel about something that makes us a little uncomfortable?" Barbara Kingsolver in conversation with Sarah Boon:

  5. "V.S. Naipaul’s obscurity relative to his literary achievements is perhaps a reflection of our society’s obsession with myths of perfection and morality."

  6. “For most of our country’s history, impeachment talk was more likely to ruin the accuser than the accused.” On two recent books about impeachment:

  7. “Most narratives of her experience draw upon an implicit premise: unless she’s a young child, the missing female has somehow, without meaning to, provoked her own fate.” Martha Cooley searches for the figure of the missing girl in contemporary fiction.

  8. "With its Wagnerian title, 'Twilight of the Gods' is both ars poetica and trenchant critique."

  9. retwitteó
    2 dic.

    Please join me in supporting the wonderful this December. LARB enriches our literary and cultural landscape in so many ways:

  10. retwitteó
    hace 13 horas

    I’m sort of hulking out right now so let me just get through it

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  11. Be one of the first 50 people who donate $250 or more to LARB and get 50% off ’s Writing Software!

  12. "Emma Thompson does not sob or weep. Thompson bawls, searing, gulping, awful moments, almost unbearable, as if she had in this fashion torn the celluloid away before our eyes: revealing the naked life beneath." :

  13. "That feminist anger can, in poetry, be boomed, as well as probed or explored or sensitively rendered is necessary and refreshing." Lindsay Turner on 's "Orlando":

  14. "Isn’t every good novel about something that makes us a little uncomfortable?" Barbara Kingsolver in conversation with :

  15. "Most people I speak to have never heard of V.S. Naipaul, and of those few who have, most have not read him. Naipaul had himself surely sensed that his persona could one day eclipse his writing."

  16. "My Favorite Year: In Los Angeles with Eve Babitz in 1971" by Dan Wakefield

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  17. "Youtube Comment #2 to Björk - Sacrifice - Live @ Zénith de Paris, France, March, 8th (08-03-2013)" by Yxta Maya Murray

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  18. Mostrar este hilo
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  21. Here are our 2019 nominations! Congrats to Sarah Blackwood, Kristen Gleason, Grace Lavery, Yxta Maya Murray, and Dan Wakefield!

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