Cantor Arts Center


Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University- bringing art into the conversation!

328 Lomita Drive, Stanford, CA
כאן מאז יוני 2013


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האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה להציג את הציוצים האלה? הצגת הציוצים לא תגרום לשחרור של @CantorArts

  1. לפני 18 שעות

    Plan a holiday visit to the . We are open almost every day throughout the holidays, and the parking is easier too. Take a art break, we are open the day after Thanksgiving!

  2. לפני 21 שעות

    "Nina Katchadourian: Curiouser" is in its final weeks at . Make time to drop by over the holidays, don't miss your opportunity to be a part of this engaging exhibition!

  3. לפני 23 שעות

    Please join Veronica Roberts, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Blanton Museum of Art, on 11/24 @ 11:30 for a Gallery Talk in "Nina Katchadourian: Curiouser."

  4. 20 בנוב׳

    "'The Buddha's Word @ Stanford', highlights the importance of writing and manuscript culture within the religion as it spread across Asia."

  5. 20 בנוב׳

    "Everyone is familiar with the struggle and unease of confronting someone face-to-face. The Center’s exhibition “About Face” places viewers in this intimate and tense engagement with American portraiture..."

  6. 18 בנוב׳

    "What do you get when you combine science and art? If you’re Stanford student Katherine Van Kirk, you get an amazing discovery about one of the Cantor Arts Center’s most famous paintings, Richard Diebenkorn’s “Window.”

  7. 17 בנוב׳

    “The Crown under the Hammer: Russia, Romanovs, Revolution,” thru 3/4/2018 (also ). “Rodin: The Shock of the Modern Body.” ongoing- three galleries including nearly 100 Rodin sculptures

  8. 16 בנוב׳

    We love to hear your feedback! Thanks for joining in the excitement of the Rodin Centennial celebration!

  9. 16 בנוב׳

    Stanford exhibition marks centenary of 1917 Russian Revolution via

  10. 16 בנוב׳
  11. 16 בנוב׳

    Take a rainy day , there are so many ways to explore, engage, or relax in the

  12. 15 בנוב׳

    Join Jodi Roberts, Robert M. and Ruth L. Halperin Curator for Modern and Contemporary Art, for a gallery talk in the "The Crown under the Hammer: Russia, Romanovs, Revolution" exhibition

  13. 15 בנוב׳

    Drafts of the last Russian czar’s abdication letter, photos of massive street demonstrations in Petrograd and Moscow in 1917 & as part of a new exhibition marking the centenary of the Russian Revolution of 1917.

  14. 14 בנוב׳

    Wondering what to do with all the extra time you will have over the holidays? Listen to KQED's "Cy and Sarah’s Do List" for the answers, and make a special note of !

  15. 14 בנוב׳
  16. צייץ מחדש
    14 בנוב׳

    East Asia Library special collections featured in new exhibit The Buddha's Word @ Stanford.

  17. 14 בנוב׳

    In addition to being a and a , also created watercolors, drawings, and prints. He made many lithographs in the final decades of his life--and they very graphically express the same erotic themes he had explored in sculpture.

  18. 13 בנוב׳

    "Man's naked form belongs to no particular moment in history; it is eternal, and can be looked upon with joy by the people of all ages." -Auguste Rodin

  19. צייץ מחדש
    13 בנוב׳

    "To the artist, there is never anything ugly in nature." –Auguste Rodin

  20. 13 בנוב׳

מסתבר כי הטעינה לוקחת זמן־מה.

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    ייתכן שגם ימצא חן בעיניך
