Foreign PolicyEgiaztatu kontua


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Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @ForeignPolicy desblokeatuko.

  1. As the fight to retake Mosul heats up, the city's civilian population faces an impossible choice.

  2. The world this week, in photos:

  3. Thousands of communities along West Africa's coast are at risk of being washed away by rising sea levels.

  4. [PHOTO ESSAY] The fight to retake Mosul from ISIS is on.

  5. Trump's talk of a rigged election is one of his many tactics straight out of Putin's playbook, writes

  6. To defeat ISIS, Iraq’s elite Golden Division is putting aside its standing rivalry with Kurdish fighters.

  7. The anti-ISIS coalition in Iraq is diverse and divided. America must make sure it doesn't turn on itself.

  8. Trump's refusal to say he will honor the result of the election is a move straight from Putin's political playbook.

  9. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's pivot to China spells disaster for the United States.

  10. [PHOTO ESSAY] The fight to retake Mosul from ISIS is on.

  11. As the fight to retake Mosul heats up, the city's civilian population faces an impossible choice.

  12. As the fight to retake Mosul heats up, the city's civilian population faces an impossible choice.

  13. Thousands of communities along West Africa's coast are at risk of being washed away by rising sea levels.

  14. South Africa just withdrew the International Criminal Court. Will Kenya follow suit?

  15. The world this week, in photos:

  16. Thousands of communities along West Africa's coast are at risk of being washed away by rising sea levels.

  17. Donald Trump's campaign is bad for women but good for feminism.

  18. .: Trump's claims about a rigged vote don't undermine American democracy. It’s already been undermined.

  19. To defeat ISIS, Iraq’s elite Golden Division is putting aside its standing rivalry with Kurdish fighters.

  20. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's pivot to China spells disaster for the United States.

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