  1. tops latest survey; top OECD countries are Japan, Estonia, Finland & Canada

  2. Senate will push for free college tuition in 2017 budget as agreed in caucus

  3. Graduates from these universities are the most employable in the world

  4. Finland has one of the world's best systems. Four ways it beats the

  5. Anyone who believes this is going to end well for American children is thinking magically RT

  6. The biggest challenge in is finding the willingness to let go of ineffective practices/procedures.

  7. We cannot afford to fail in delivering to the world’s most vulnerable children - 75m futures depend on it

  8. Is it something I've done?/僕が何かした?

  9. How research can help you learn a new language | via    

  10. 2015: Get all the results & here Programme for International Assessment

  11. で人体3Dモデルを等身大で表示させてみました.複雑な血管の走行が立体的に理解でき,教育に大変有用だと実感できます.

  12. He is pursuing his hobby of collecting toys./彼は、おもちゃを集める趣味を追求してる。

  13. Pas besoin du classement ! Il suffit de voir tous ces profs du public inscrire leurs enfants... dans le privé !

  14. : l' en produit de fortes inégalités. en panne L'éducation, cœur du projet !

  15. We must give every child the tools they need to lead a happy, healthy & productive life - starting with

  16. Thinking WITHIN, BEYOND, & ABOUT Texts (via )

