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  2. hace 18 minutos

    NATO + will disappear if gets screwed don't even f'n think about it

  3. hace 2 horas


  4. hace 5 horas

    Pick Up Your Vagina And Go Home Hats off to Republican Greg Gianforte!!

  5. hace 17 horas

    your an ahole mayor

  6. hace 17 horas

    "The left hates Trump's budgets more than they hate ISIS"

  7. hace 17 horas

    . on current fight against terror: "No one's reporting this is all the aftermath of a failed foreign policy."

  8. 24 may.

    fuera, fuera, fuera! is hiring

  9. 24 may.

    .: Necessity Of Confronting Evil Without Being Afraid

  10. 24 may.

    .: "I heard somebody...say that we have to get used to terrorists attacks like this. No we don't."

  11. 23 may.
  12. 23 may.

    The Russians never even hacked the DNC..........Seth Rich Did!

  13. 23 may.
  14. 20 may.

    .: "It's a real red-carpet welcome for here in Saudi Arabia."

  15. 19 may.
  16. 19 may.

    .: " speaks to regular Americans. He doesn't need a translator."

  17. 19 may.

    .: "Even when [ is] right, he still speaks about Americans like they're a different species."

  18. 19 may.

    Lieberman has the gravitas as a smurf !!! FBI director... No... No.. Nix.. Nada... No

  19. 18 may.
  20. 18 may.

    Ya muero por ver S01E09 esta noche, bueno en si lo veré mañana online..

  21. 18 may.

    Hillary Unibomber Clinton, Greg?

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