  1. Accounts Meer...

  2. I’m excited at the prospect of having a president who’s priorities after an attack won’t be Islamophobia and gun control.

  3. has "certified" Michigan's 16 Electoral Votes go to & gets a participation trophy. Trump 306!

  4. Over 3,000,000 confirmed tickets were issued for rallies. One more data point to gasp at.

  5. Hey, Ladies... Strap up, get your 🔫 Lets make sure Terrorist NEVER get their 72 Virgins

  6. Michigan Certifies President-Elect Trump's Win in the State by 10,704 Votes! 16 Electoral Votes Awarded to !

  7. Media trying to throw under the bus, but is too smart to fall for FAKE NEWS from , , , ...

  8. Many GOP "Leaders" could learn a thing or two from John Kasich. Class, Dignity, Respect to be exact. take a lesson!

  9. - " Every weapon has a weakness. They just need to be found and exploited. " -

  10. OHIO STATE: Students misinterpreted attack as car accident & ran toward scene to help. must stop lying about terror threats.

  11. THANK YOU for a GREAT Day at Towers! Spotted on Elevator Cam VP Gen. Petraeus

  12. How To Trigger Liberals: Show The Election Map, Trump 306 (30 States) Vs Clinton 232 (20 States)

  13. "Trust His Instincts" Donald Trump Will Make The Right Decision Regarding the Selection of Secretary of State

  14. FINALLY after VERY hard work counting the ballots TWICE already has their : -306 -232

  15. Today is the American "French-Toast" Day! Donald Trump wants to abolish this day because he does not like Italian cuisine!

  16. Ohio State Attack: Somali injures 9 Within 24 hours will call for ban on machetes and guns

  17. Michigan certifies President-elect ’s win in the state, awarding him 16 electoral votes.

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