Marianne LeVineConta verificada


Labor Reporter , cynical idealist. Got any tips? Send them over to

Washington, D.C.
Participa desde agosto de 2013


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  1. Tweet Fixado
    16 de fev

    For those of you wondering, here's how we got the tape

  2. retweetou
    há 23 horas

    Big SCOOP from 's tech team: FCC to seek total repeal of net neutrality rules, sources say

  3. retweetou
    20 de nov

    NEW: Fed Chair Janet Yellen announces she will retire from the central bank when she steps down as chair.

  4. 20 de nov

    Happy Birthday to - a fantastic colleague and friend!

  5. 20 de nov

    Check out today's where reports on the latest SEIU harassment allegations:

  6. 16 de nov

    The EPA study paved the way for the Halliburton loophole in the 2005 Energy Policy Act, which denies the EPA the authority to find out what chemicals companies use and prohibits it from safeguarding water that could be affected by fracking

  7. 16 de nov

    "InsideClimate News has learned that the scientists who wrote the report disagreed with the conclusion imposed by the Bush EPA, saying there was not enough evidence to support it"

  8. retweetou
    16 de nov

    does it again- Read her amazing story about how the Bush administration's EPA suppressed scientists' conclusion that fracking posed a threat to drinking water-

  9. 15 de nov

    New Senate tax plan hands ammunition to Democrats

  10. 14 de nov

    Why didn’t unions stop sexual harassment?

  11. retweetou
    13 de nov

    Following abrupt closure of newly-unionized DNAInfo and Gothamist, says it has reached agreement providing 3 months of benefits; 4 months of pay; members' "right to use their own work" including articles published there; no requirement to sign non-disparagement clauses

  12. retweetou
    9 de nov

    . is the first senator to call on Roy Moore to step aside “immediately.” Not saying to wait for more proof.

  13. 9 de nov

    “I felt like I had done something bad. And it kind of set the course for me doing other things that were bad.”

  14. 9 de nov

    Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32

  15. retweetou
    9 de nov

    Watch me chat about politics with American Idol star Clay Aiken tomorrow (seriously!).

  16. 9 de nov

    Johnstown Never Believed Trump Would Help. They Still Love Him Anyway- great story by

  17. 8 de nov

    "The union-household results in 2016 were less a story of Trump winning than of Clinton losing."

  18. retweetou
    8 de nov

    H. Clinton got smallest share of union-household vote than any D since J. Carter. Consequences now being felt.

  19. 8 de nov

    Does Labor Have a Death Wish? from

  20. retweetou
    8 de nov

    Today's from : everything you need to know about the House joint employer vote and what comes next

  21. 7 de nov

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