Rhett ReeseEgiaztatu kontua


Writer/producer. Deadpool, Zombieland, Joe Schmo 1 & 2, Life (upcoming), Invasion Iowa, GI Joe: Retaliation. Novel 'Anxiety' available on Amazon for $4.99!

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@RhettReese blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @RhettReese desblokeatuko.

  1. While the train has some momentum, why not for an Oscar nomination for best actor? No one deserves it more.

  2. A tremendous sports name emerges on the Cardinals: linebacker Caviar Gooden.

  3. Instead of continuing to wish I'm out when I'm home, and home when I'm out, I'm going to flip that. Look out world.

  4. David Johnson is the best football player. Discuss.

  5. Our movie Life has moved from Memorial Day weekend to March 24. Two fewer months to wait! Very excited to unveil it. More soon!

  6. Why did win GQ's 'Man of the Year?' His acceptance interview itself answers the question...

  7. I supposed I should find this fascinating. Instead, it's the scariest thing I've seen in my entire life.

  8. Bff just spotted this gem!

  9. 'Blood in the Water' is an exhaustive and infuriating look into the Attica prison riot. Recommended!

  10. Texted a 7-letter word today and somehow mistyped ALL 7 LETTERS. If I were a dog, I'd be put down.

  11. Proud of on tonight! How does she fare against heavyweights and ?! Tune in!

  12. Hey table next to me at this restaurant laughing uproariously every 3 and a half seconds: Nothing is that funny. Nothing.

  13. Challenge: Spell the last name of the star of Dallas Buyers Club, True Detective, and Interstellar without looking. Good luck.

  14. Paul and I recently sat down with Gold Derby to answer some Deadpool questions should anyone have interest!

  15. Fighting out of the red corner, Air Tahiti Nui, unreclining seat. Fighting out of the blue corner, Ambien. Let's get it on!

  16. In all the time I spent answering no to would I like coffee, I could have founded Starbuck's.

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