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  1. Tweet đã ghim

    Is it the end of the WTO as we know it? Donald Trump has put global trade in danger, but it can be saved. Our cover this week

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  2. Goals at the World Cup are not necessarily a good indicator of a footballer's future impact

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  3. George Sand’s unfinished legacy

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  4. Is one of Britain’s grandest stately homes an appropriate setting for the artworks of an avant-garde maverick? From

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  5. Goldman Sachs's lame-duck period is over

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    18 giờ trước

    An underground lake has been found on Mars. The Economist's science and technology correspondent explains how it was discovered on our "Babbage" podcast

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  7. The obvious candidate is Jens Weidmann, boss of the Bundesbank. But the job is not in the bag

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  8. Viewers may well be appalled not just by the brainwashing and cultishness on display, but by the matter-of-fact callousness

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  9. Many girls only feel valued when they act sexually

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  10. For investors, the safest bets include student nurses, plumbers or computer programmers

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  11. Inequality and public concern about it are increasing, but politicians seem less interested

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  12. China's central bank and finance ministry are feuding

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  13. Plutonium was meant for use in Japan's nuclear reactors, but most of these have been offline since 2011's Fukushima disaster

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  14. In a region cursed with rampant cronyism, any move to silence criticism of the mighty is worrying

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  15. The trial was a sensation. "Blood and Ivy" tells how 7,000 spectators moved through the court in shifts on the first day alone

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  16. Pierce Brosnan has said that “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” offers a “great antidote to the times we live in”

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  17. Donald Trump's assault on the multilateral rules-based system threatens decades of trade liberalisation

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  18. Humans aside, no species on Earth has a more complex society than that of elephants

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  19. Polygamy is still common in Africa, the Islamic world and parts of Asia. It makes civil war more likely

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  20. Why it is difficult to regulate 3D-printed guns

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  21. The Cook Islands has good reason to worry that the good times may not last

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