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Small Grant - Angelica Jopling researched the work of Anselm Kiefer.

Small Grants

Angelica Jopling, '20 examined Anselm Kiefer's work which explores String Theory. This project was supported with a Small Grant.

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Inquiry, investigation, and discovery

are at the heart of Stanford’s mission. Every faculty member is engaged in groundbreaking original scholarship, and as an undergraduate, you can join faculty in their work in laboratories, libraries, studios, and beyond. Imagine how you can connect your classroom learning and intellectual interests as you work on an independent project under faculty mentorship.

Covid-19 News and Updates (updated Sept 23, 2021)

As Stanford's COVID-19 response continues to evolve for the 2021-2022 academic year, please continue to check this webpage for updates pertinent to undergraduate research. Information on University operations and policies in the context of the pandemic can be found on the Health Alerts webpage.

On Travel
Research-related travel within 150 miles of campus is permitted for undergraduate students. Domestic and international travel beyond 150 miles will continue to be restricted through Fall 2021. We understand that levels of COVID-19 risk and related local guidelines vary by region, but no exceptions will be made. Policies regarding travel will be updated as the University's policies evolve

Small Grant - Alexa Corse, Sima Biondi

Key Links

Photo: Alexa Corse, '19 and Sima Biondi, '19 received small grants to support their political science research.

Upcoming Events and Deadlines


Beinecke Scholarship Info Session

Wednesday, November 3, 2021 | 12:30pm - 1:30pm PDT

Artwork by Sabrina Bedford (left); Gunner Dongieux and Sean O’Bannon (right).

Major Grant recipient and Art Practice student Sabrina Bedford created an acrylic paint series to accompany her own short novel about a girl surviving in a post-climate change disaster world who comes across a time machine.

Major Grant Recipients Gunner Dongieux and Sean O’Bannon navigate the intersection of tech and art by working to seamlessly incorporate AI into Gunner’s painting using a Generative Adversarial Network.

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