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Research Policies

Two students and equipment

Graduate students explore new energy technologies as part of the Stanford Graduate Summer Institute.

PIE, Energy@Stanford&SLAC 2012

The Research Policy Handbook outlines policies, guidelines, and general information related to Stanford's research enterprise. These policies are particularly relevant to graduate students.

Browse the full Research Policy Handbook

Publishing and Collaboration

Academic Authorship

Guidelines for academic authorship, including the allocation of responsibility and credit for scholarly publications.

Multi-Authored Research Papers

Guidelines for manuscripts produced by multi-investigator research teams, addressing coherence, review, co-authorship and maintenance of data.

Intellectual Property

Policies on copyrights and patents resulting from University work. All graduate students and postdoctoral fellows (as well as all faculty, staff and visitors engaged in research) sign the Stanford University Patent and Copyright Agreement (SU-18) in Axess.

Openness in Research

Reinforces the principle of freedom of access by all interested persons to the underlying data, processes, and final results of research. Stanford University will not accept funding for research projects that require secrecy.

Relationships and Funding

Guidelines for Good Practices in the Graduate Student—Faculty Advisor Relationship

Describes practices that the great majority of faculty and students, here and elsewhere, routinely follow as a matter of common sense, courtesy, and basic honesty. Download guidelines (pdf).

Graduate Student Assistantships

Administrative Guide 10.2 defines the terms of appointment and compensation for graduate students appointed as Research Assistants (RAs) and Teaching Assistants (TAs).

Relationships Between Students and Outside Organizations

Summary of policies on the establishment of relationships between students and outside entities, such as private companies or non-profit organizations, as part or outside of the student's academic program at Stanford. Covers the open versus proprietary nature of the work, the ownership of intellectual property, and possible conflicts of commitment and interest.

Conducting Research

Responsible Conduct of Research

Conducting research ethically and responsibly is everyone’s obligation. Some federal funding agencies require that students complete training in the Responsible Conduct of Research. Training options are listed here

Research Compliance

Administrative panels review and approve research projects to safeguard the rights and welfare of all human research subjects, ensure the humane care and use of laboratory animals, and protect the safety of personnel and the general public in the areas of biosafety and radiological safety. Find out more about research compliance.

Research Misconduct

Defines procedure for handling allegations, reporting, and investigations of research misconduct. Each member of the University community has a responsibility to foster an environment that promotes intellectual honesty and integrity and does not tolerate fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in any aspect of research or scholarly endeavor.