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Academic Chats Notebook

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Want to read more? Couldn't attend but wonder what was discussed? The Academic Chats Notebook is here for you!

For each Chat, facilitator Rick Reis distributes a set of readings from his newsletter, Tomorrow's Professor, and several discussion questions. These readings and other resources that may help you as you explore and prepare for a faculty career are listed below. 

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2014-2015 Academic Chats Notebook

Differences Across the Disciplines-How Teaching and Research Vary Across Departments and Schools

Ann Arvin, vice provost and dean of research; Chris Golde, associate vice provost, VPGE (Sept. 30, 2014)

How to Explore Other Types of Academic Institutions

Chris Kitts, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Santa Clara University; Amy Strage, Assistant Vice President for Faculty Development and Director, Center for Faculty Development, San Jose State University (Oct. 28, 2014)

Take Me, Take My Partner

Eve Clark, Richard Lyman Professor in the Humanitie; Herbert Clark, Professor of Psychology and Professor (Dec. 2, 2014)