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Selected recent papers

Memoryless self-reinforcing directionality in endosomal active transport within living cells. Chen K, Wang B, Granick S. Nature Materials, 14, 589-593 (2015). (pdf)

Functional genomic characterization of neoblast-like stem cells in larval Schistosoma mansoni. Wang B, Collins JJ, Newmark PA. eLife, 2, e00768 (2013). (pdf) (Insight by Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado)

Adult somatic stem cells in the human parasite, Schistosoma mansoni. Collins JJ, Wang B, Lambrus BG, Tharp M, Iyer H, Newmark PA. Nature, 494, 476-479 (2013). (pdf) (News & Views by Edward Pearce)

Bursts of active transport in living cells. Wang B, Kuo J, Granick S. Physical Review Letters, 111, 208102 (2013). (pdf)

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Group News

Jun. 2017. The lab receives the Hellman Faculty Scholar Fund.

May 2017. Margarita Khariton receives the Bio-X Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship (Bio-X SIGF). This award is one of the greatest honors Stanford gives to a doctoral student pursuing interdisciplinary research.

May 2017. The lab receives the Beckman Young Investigator Award.

May 2017. Bo will teach at a pre-meeting course, "Single cell biology for parasitologists", at the ASTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) 66th Annual Meeting, Nov. 5, 2017.

Mar. 2017. Alec Tarashansky wins best poster award at Stanford Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Symposium for work towards modeling stem cell evolution in the planarian.

Dec. 2016. Youngbin Lim is awarded with the Stanford School of Medicine Dean's Postdoctoral Fellowship.

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