The Sturrock Solar Theory Group

Center for Space Science & Astrophysics
Stanford University, Varian 302g, Stanford, California 94305-4060

The Stanford Solar Theory group - under the leadership of Professor Peter Sturrock - pursues a vigorous program of research on outstanding solar physics problems involving data analysis, analytical theory, and numerical computation. Ongoing topics of research include the mechanism of the solar cycle, coronal heating, and time-series analysis of solar neutrino data.

The Sturrock Solar Theory group is part of the Center for Space Science & Astrophysics, an interdepartmental organization coordinating teaching and research in space science and astrophysics.

This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant/Award No. 0097128. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Solar Neutrinos

Our next neutrino-group meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 1, at 3:00 pm, in the Varian third floor conference room.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) concerning evidence for variability of the solar neutrino flux, by P.A. Sturrock.

Papers & Articles

Sturrock, P.A., & Weber, M.A., 2002, "Comparative Analysis of GALLEX-GNO Solar Neutrino Data and SOHO/MDI Helioseismology Data: Further Evidence for Rotational Modulation of the Solar Neutrino Flux", Ap.J. 565, 1366-1375. (abstract, PDF, gzipped PS)

Sturrock, P.A., & Weber, M.A., 2002, "Comparative analysis of solar neutrino data and SXT X-ray data", in Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting (ed. P.C.H. Martens and D. Cauffman), COSPAR Colloquia Series, (in press). (PDF, gzipped PS)

Weber, M.A., & Sturrock, P.A., 2002, "Differential Rotation of the Soft X-Ray Corona over a Solar Cycle", in Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting (ed. P.C.H. Martens and D. Cauffman), COSPAR Colloquia Series, (in press). (PDF, gzipped PS)

Sturrock, P.A., & Scargle, J.D., 2001, "Histogram Analysis of GALLEX, GNO, and SAGE Neutrino Data: Further Evidence for Variability of the Solar Neutrino Flux", Ap.J. (Letters) 550, L101-104. (abstract, PDF, gzipped PS)

Sturrock, P.A., 2000, "Solar neutrinos as a possible diagnostic of the solar magnetic field", in High Energy Solar Physics: Anticipating HESSI (eds. R. Ramaty & N. Mandzhavidze), ASP Conf. Series, 206, 83-87. (abstract + correction)

Sturrock, P.A., Scargle, J.D., Walther, G., & Wheatland, M.S., 1999, "Rotational signature and possible r-mode signature in the GALLEX solar neutrino data", Ap.J. (Letters), 523, L177-180. (abstract, PDF, gzipped PS)

Walther, G., 1999, "On the solar-cycle modulation of the Homestake solar neutrino capture rate and the shuffle test", Ap.J. 513, 990-996. (abstract, PDF, gzipped PS)

Sturrock, P.A., Walther, G., & Wheatland, M.S., 1998, "Apparent latitudinal modulation of the solar neutrino flux", Ap.J. 507, 978-983. (abstract, PDF, gzipped PS)

Sturrock, P.A., Walther, G., & Wheatland, M.S., 1997, "Search for periodicities in the Homestake solar neutrino data", Ap.J. 491, 409-413. (abstract, PDF, gzipped PS)

Walther, G., 1997, "Absence of Correlation between the Solar Neutrino Flux and the Sunspot Number", Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4522-4524. (abstract, PDF)

  • Snodgrass, H.B., & Oakley, D.S., 1999, "Comment on 'Absence of Correlation between the Solar Neutrino Flux and the Sunspot Number'", Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1894. (PDF, gzipped PS)

  • Walther, G., 1999, "Reply to Comment on 'Absence of Correlation between the Solar Neutrino Flux and the Sunspot Number'", Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1895. (PDF, gzipped PS)


Faculty, staff, and students

Peter Sturrock, Professor Emeritus (Varian 302G)

Mark Weber, Postdoctoral Fellow (Varian 302E)

Dana Volponi, Administrative Associate (Varian 304)


David Caldwell, University of California, Santa Barbara

Alexander "Sasha" Kosovichev, HEPL, Stanford University

John Leibacher, National Solar Observatory

Joao Pulido, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon

Jeff Scargle, NASA Ames Research Center

Günther Walther, Statistics Department, Stanford University

Mike Wheatland, University of Sydney

Associated Links

Stanford University

Department of Physics

Center for Space Science and Astrophysics

Astronomy Program at Stanford

Astrophysics at Stanford

Solar Oscillations Investigation/Michaelson Doppler Imager Group

Lockheed-Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab

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Maintained by Mark Weber.

Last modified: 2002 April 30.