The ASME Fellow:
A Membership Grade of Distinction

The ASME Committee of Past Presidents confers the Fellow grade of membership on worthy candidates to recognize their outstanding engineering achievements.

Nominated by ASME Members and Fellows, an ASME Member has to have 10 or more years of active practice and at least 10 years of active corporate membership in ASME.

Over 3,000 members have attained the grade of Fellow.

Fellow Qualifications

Nominating a Fellow

  • Members of the Fellows Review Committee shall not initiate or sponsor a Fellow while serving on the Fellows Review Committee.
  • Nominations will be considered quarterly.  Deadline dates:  March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1.
  • Total proposal package should not exceed 25 pages.
  • 3 sponsor letters plus the nominator's letter is required to complete the nomination. (A total of 4 letters will be accepted).
  • 2 of the sponsors, plus the nominator, must be ASME Members or Fellows.
  • Corporate membership needs to be active.
  • No more than one letter should come from the nominee's employer.
  • No more than 10 significant publications will be acceptable.
  • Incomplete proposals will be held pending for consideration at the subsequent review session.
  • Clearly specify on the proposal form whether it is a surprise or not a surprise nomination. If not clearly specified, proposal will be considered not a surprise.
  • Read qualifications page summary of qualifications should not be included in the letters. It should be a separate document.
  • You may nominate an ASME member that meets the requirements listed above by going to the ASME Online Fellows Nomination Application. Please review this material carefully. If you have any questions, please call Fran McKivor at 212-591-7094 or Leila Persaud at (212) 591-7071 or


Roxann Engelstad

Roxann Engelstad:
Professor Engelstad is an internationally recognized expert on the mechanical issues associated with the design, fabrication, and usage of advanced masks (and processes) for the next-generation lithographic technologies. She has developed a powerful set of numerical tools that correlates nano-scale models to macro-scale models, which track the distortion of the features in the lithographic process. Her research results have been applied to many different types of lithography. As Chair of Mechanical Engineering, she facilitated innovations in communication, career advising, and practical experience that have significantly improved student education.
Ph.D. (1988) University of Wisconsin-Madison

John Hawkins

John Hawkins:
John Hawkins has successfully served in engineering management, engineering, and sales roles in the field of flow borne noise, heat recovery, and exhaust emissions control for industrial engines and gas turbines, heavy truck and bus exhaust systems, as well as noise control of high pressure venting of gases for more than 40 years. Through design, innovation, streamlined processes, and application tools, he created new markets, market share, and customer acceptance of products ranging from truck and stationary mufflers, specialty catalytic converters, modular 3-way and oxidation catalytic silencers, high pressure vent silencers, and heat recovery systems. John has also served in ASME leadership positions in Section, Region, Global Communities, District, and ASME level committees for more than 35 years.
BS (1969) Louisiana Tech University

Virginia Ross

Virginia Ross:
Dr. Ross has a long and outstanding career as a mechanical and computer engineer and project manager with significant achievements in the field of project management. This includes work on DARPA and Air Force programs dealing with cloud computing and computer facility management at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, NY. She has chaired and co-chaired conference sessions on computer architecture, served on the ASME nominating committee, as well as being District A. History and Heritage Chair. Through her involvement with ASME, she has been a role model for what can be accomplished through volunteering.
Ph.D. (2010) Capella University