Inflation & Prices

Database Name Special
Tables Text Files
Prices - Consumer
All Urban Consumers (Current Series)
(Consumer Price Index - CPI)
  Top Picks for CPI Current Series Data Finder for CPI Current Series One Screen Data Search for CPI Current Series Multi Screen Data Search for CPI Current Series Tables for CPI Current Series Text Files for CPI Current Series
Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (Current Series)
(Consumer Price Index - CPI)
  Top Picks for CPI Urban Wage Earners Data Finder for CPI Urban Wage Earners One Screen Data Search for CPI Urban Wage Earners Multi Screen Data Search for CPI Urban Wage Earners Tables for CPI Urban Wage Earners Text Files for CPI Urban Wage Earners
All Urban Consumers (Chained CPI)
(Consumer Price Index - CPI)
  Top Picks for Chained CPI Data Finder for Chained CPI One Screen Data Search for Chained CPI Multi Screen Data Search for Chained CPI Tables for Chained CPI Text Files for Chained CPI
Average Price Data
(Consumer Price Index - CPI)
  Top Picks for CPI Average Price Data Data Finder for CPI Average Price Data One Screen Data Search for CPI Average Price Data Multi Screen Data Search for CPI Average Price Data   Text Files for CPI Average Price Data
Prices - Producer
Industry Data
(Producer Price Index - PPI)
  Top Picks for PPI Industry Data   One Screen Data Search for PPI Industry Data Multi Screen Data Search for PPI Industry Data Tables for PPI Industry Data Text Files for PPI Industry Data
Commodity Data including "headline" FD-ID indexes
(Producer Price Index - PPI)
  Top Picks for PPI Commodity Data   One Screen Data Search for PPI Commodity Data Multi Screen Data Search for PPI Commodity Data Tables for PPI Commodity Data Text Files for PPI Commodity Data
Prices - International
Import/Export Price Indexes
(International Price Program - IPP)
  Top Picks for Import/Export Price Indexes   One Screen Data Search for Import/Export Price Indexes Multi Screen Data Search for Import/Export Price Indexes Tables for Import/Export Price Indexes Text Files for Import/Export Price Indexes



Database Name Special
Tables Text Files
Employment, Hours, and Earnings - National
(Current Employment Statistics - CES)
Special Notice for Current Employment Statistics - CES Top Picks for CES National Data Finder for CES National One Screen Data Search for CES National Multi Screen Data Search for CES National Tables for CES National Text Files for CES National
Employment, Hours, and Earnings - State and Metro Area
(Current Employment Statistics - CES)
Special Notice for CES State and Metro Area Top Picks for CES State and Metro Area Data Finder for CES State and Metro Area One Screen Data Search for CES State and Metro Area Multi Screen Data Search for CES State and Metro Area Tables for CES State and Metro Area Text Files for CES State and Metro Area
Labor Force Statistics
(Current Population Survey - CPS)
  Top Picks for CPS Data Finder for CPS One Screen Data Search for CPS   Tables for CPS Text Files for CPS
Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS)
Special Notice for JOLTS Top Picks for JOLTS   One Screen Data Search for JOLTS Multi Screen Data Search for JOLTS   Text Files for JOLTS
State and County Employment and Wages
(Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages - QCEW)
  Top Picks for QCEW   One Screen Data Search for QCEW Multi Screen Data Search for QCEW Tables for QCEW Text Files for QCEW
Business Employment Dynamics (BDM)
  Top Picks for BDM Data Finder for BDM   Multi Screen Data Search for BDM   Text Files for BDM
Annual & Other
NEW Employment and Wages from Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) survey
    Data Finder for OES One Screen Data Search for OES   Tables for OES Text Files for OES
American Time Use Survey (ATUS)
  Top Picks for ATUS Data Finder for ATUS     Tables for ATUS Text Files for ATUS
Union Affiliation Data
(Current Population Survey - CPS)
  Top Picks for CPS Union Data Finder for CPS Union One Screen Data Search for CPS Union   Tables for CPS Union Text Files  for CPS Union
Marital and family labor force statistics
(Current Population Survey - CPS)
  Top Picks for CPS Marital and family Data Finder for CPS Marital and family     Tables for CPS Marital and family Text Files for CPS Marital and family
Employment Projections
        Multi Screen Data Search for Employment Projections Tables for Employment Projections  



Database Name Special
Tables Text Files
Rates & Levels
Labor Force Statistics including the National Unemployment Rate
(Current Population Survey - CPS)
  Top Picks for CPS Data Finder for CPS One Screen Data Search for CPS   Tables for CPS Text Files for CPS
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)
Special Notice for LAUS Top Picks for LAUS Data Finder for LAUS One Screen Data Search for LAUS Multi Screen Data Search for LAUS Tables for LAUS Text Files for LAUS


Employment Projections

Database Name One Screen
Occupational Projections Data
2016 and projected 2026 employment, job openings, education, training, and wages
One Screen Data Search for Occupational Projections Data
National Employment Matrix - Occupation
Detailed industries where each occupation is employed
One Screen Data Search for National Employment Matrix Occupation
National Employment Matrix - Industry
Detailed occupations employed in each industry
One Screen Data Search for National Employment Matrix Industry


Pay & Benefits

Database Name Special
Tables Text Files
Modeled Wage Estimates
  Top Picks for Wage Modeling Data Finder for Wage Modeling One Screen Data Search for Wage Modeling Multi Screen Data Search for Wage Modeling   Text Files for Wage Modeling
Pay & Cost of Benefits
Employment Cost Index
  Top Picks for ECI Data Finder for ECI One Screen Data Search for ECI Multi Screen Data Search for ECI Tables for ECI Text Files for ECI
Employer Cost for Employee Compensation
  Top Picks for ECEC Data Finder for ECEC One Screen Data Search for ECEC Multi Screen Data Search for ECEC Tables for ECEC Text Files for ECEC
Benefit Incidence & Provisions
Employee Benefits Survey
(1985 to 2006)

  Top Picks for EBS   One Screen Data Search for EBS Multi Screen Data Search for EBS   Text Files for EBS
National Compensation Survey - Benefits (Beginning with
2010 data)*
  Top Picks for NCS Benefits     Multi Screen Data Search for NCS Benefits Tables for NCS Benefits Text Files for NCS Benefits

*2007 to 2009 benefits data are not available in the National Compensation Survey data base.
For data during these years, see the NCS publication archive.

Work Stoppages
Work Stoppages Data
  Top Picks for Work Stoppages Data Finder for Work Stoppages One Screen Data Search for Work Stoppages Multi Screen Data Search for Work Stoppages Tables for Work Stoppages Text Files for Work Stoppages
Pay (from an Employment Survey)
Weekly & Hourly Earnings
(Current Population Survey - CPS)
  Top Picks for CPS earnings Data Finder for CPS earnings One Screen Data Search for CPS earnings   Tables for CPS earnings Text Files for CPS earnings
NEW Employment and Wages from Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) survey
    Data Finder for OES One Screen Data Search for OES   Tables for OES Text Files for OES
Earnings - National
(Current Employment Statistics - CES)
Special Notice for CES National Top Picks for CES National Data Finder for CES National One Screen Data Search for CES National Multi Screen Data Search for CES National Tables for CES National Text Files for CES National
State and County Wages
(Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages - QCEW)
  Top Picks for QCEW   One Screen Data Search for QCEW Multi Screen Data Search for QCEW Tables for QCEW Text Files for QCEW


Spending & Time Use

Database Name Special
Tables Text Files
Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE)
    Data Finder for Consumer Expenditure One Screen Data Search for Consumer Expenditure Multi Screen Data Search for Consumer Expenditure Tables for Consumer Expenditure Text Files for Consumer Expenditure
Time Use
American Time Use Survey (ATUS)
  Top Picks for ATUS Data Finder for ATUS     Tables for ATUS Text Files for ATUS



Database Name Special
Tables Text Files
Major Sector Productivity and Costs
Top Picks for Productivity and Costs Data Finder for Productivity and Costs One Screen Data Search for Productivity and Costs Multi Screen Data Search for Productivity and Costs Tables for Productivity and Costs Text Files for Productivity and Costs
Major Sector Multifactor Productivity
  Top Picks for Multifactor Productivity Data Finder for Multifactor Productivity One Screen Data Search for Multifactor Productivity Multi Screen Data Search for Multifactor Productivity Tables for Multifactor Productivity Text Files for Multifactor Productivity
Industry Productivity
  Top Picks for Industry Productivity Data Finder for Industry Productivity One Screen Data Search for Industry Productivity Multi Screen Data Search for Industry Productivity Tables for Industry Productivity Text Files for Industry Productivity


Workplace Injuries

Database Name Special
Tables Text Files
Workplace Injuries & Illnesses
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses and Fatal Injuries Profiles
        Multi Screen Data Search for Occupational Injuries and Illnesses and Fatal Injuries Profiles    
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (2011 forward)
Special Notice for Fatal Occupational Injuries Top Picks for Fatal Occupational Injuries   One Screen Data Search for Fatal Occupational Injuries Multi Screen Data Search for Fatal Occupational Injuries Tables for Fatal Occupational Injuries Text files for Fatal Occupational Injuries
Nonfatal cases involving days away from work: selected characteristics (2011 forward)
Special Notice for Nonfatal cases Top Picks for Nonfatal cases   One Screen Data Search for Nonfatal cases Multi Screen Data Search for Nonfatal cases Tables for Nonfatal cases Text Files for Nonfatal cases
Occupational Injuries and Illnesses: Industry Data (2014 forward)
Special Notice for Industry Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Top Picks for Industry Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Data Finder for Industry Occupational Injuries and Illnesses   Multi Screen Data Search for Industry Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Tables for Industry Occupational Injuries and Illnesses Text Files for Industry Occupational Injuries and Illnesses


Occupational Requirements

Database Name Special
Tables Text Files
Occupational Requirements
Occupational Requirements Survey
  Top Picks for ORS Data Finder for ORS One Screen Data Search for ORS Multi Screen Data Search for ORS   Text Files for ORS


Regional Resources

Database Name Special
Regional Top-Picks, Tables, and Text Files
New England Information Office
(Boston, MA)
Special Notice for the Boston Office Top Picks for the Boston Office Tables for the Boston Office
New York-New Jersey Information Office
(New York, NY)
Special Notice for the New York Office Top Picks for the New York Office Tables for the New York Office
Mid-Atlantic Information Office
(Philadelphia, PA)
Special Notice for the Philadelphia Office Top Picks for the Philadelphia Office Tables for the Philadelphia Office
Southeast Information Office
(Atlanta, GA)
Special Notice for the Atlanta Office Top Picks for the Atlanta Office Tables for the Atlanta Office
Midwest Information office
(Chicago, IL)
Special Notice for the Chicago Office Top Picks for the Chicago Office Tables for the Chicago Office
Southwest Information Office
(Dallas, TX)
Special Notice for the Dallas Office Top Picks for the Dallas Office Tables for the Dallas Office
Mountain-Plains Information Office
(Kansas City, MO)
Special Notice for the Kansas City Office Top Picks for the Kansas City Office Tables for the Kansas City Office
Western Information Office
(San Francisco, CA)
Special Notice for the San Francisco Office Top Picks for the San Francisco Office Tables for the San Francisco Office



Database Name Special
Tables Text Files
Prices - International
Import/Export Price Indexes
(International Price Program - IPP)
  Top Picks for Import/Export Price Indexes   One Screen Data Search for Import/Export Price Indexes Multi Screen Data Search for Import/Export Price Indexes Tables for Import/Export Price Indexes Text Files for Import/Export Price Indexes


Historical News Release Tables

Table Name News Release Tables
Historical 'A' Tables (Household data): Previous years and months
Employment Situation News Release (monthly)
Current Population Survey (CPS)
CPS Historical 'A' Tables
Historical 'B' Tables (Establishment data): Previous years and months
Employment Situation News Release (monthly)
Current Employment Statistics (CES)
CPS Historical 'B' Tables
Weekly Earnings Tables: Previous quarters
Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers News Release (quarterly)
Current Population Survey (CPS)
Historical Weekly Earnings Tables
Union Affiliation Tables: Previous years
Union Members News Release (annual)
Current Population Survey (CPS)
Historical Union Membership Tables
Access to Historical Data Series by Subject: Previous years and months
Browse labor force, employment, unemployment, and other data by subject
Current Population Survey (CPS)
Access to Historical Data Series by Subject
American Time Use Survey (ATUS) Historical News Release Tables
American Time Use Survey (ATUS) Results Historical Tables for ATUS
Historical 'A-1' Tables
Time spent in detailed primary activities, and percent of the civilian population engaging in each activity, averages per day
American Time Use Survey (ATUS)
Historical 'A-1' Tables
Historical 'A-2' Tables
Time spent in detailed primary activities, and percent of the civilian population engaging in each activity, averages per day on weekdays and weekend days
American Time Use Survey (ATUS)
Historical 'A-2' Tables

Create Customized Maps

Create Customized Maps Maps
Mapping Unemployment Rates (States and Counties)
Mapping Unemployment Rates (States and Counties)


Calculator Name Calculator
Easily find out how the buying power of the dollar has changed over the years using the inflation calculator.
Inflation Calculator
Injury and Illness
Allows users to calculate injury and illness incidence rates for their specific establishment or firm and to compare them with the averages for the Nation, for States, and for the industry in which the establishment is found.
Injury and Illness Rates Calculator


Public Data Application Programming Interface (API)

Public Data API API
The BLS Public Data API gives the public access to raw economic data from all BLS programs
 BLS Public Data Application Progrmming Interface

About the Tools

Most Requested Statistics Allows users to quickly retrieve BLS time series data from lists of those most commonly requested.

Data FinderAllows users to conveniently search multiple data sets all at once. Users can extract specific data by searching by keyword or by filtering through multiple topics, measures, and attributes.

Create Customized Tables (one screen) This application requires a Java-enabled browser. Choose the data you want from BLS databases on a simple, one-screen form.

Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) A form-based query application which allows you to obtain BLS time series data based on choices you make.

Flat Files (FTP) A link to the BLS Download server. Given the limitations on the amount of data which can be extracted using any of the applications provided on the Web site, the Download server can be ideal for those users requiring large volumes of time series data.