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CharityWatch, founded 25 years ago as the American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP), is America's most independent, assertive charity watchdog. CharityWatch does not merely repeat what a charity reports using simplistic or automated formulas. We dive deep to let you know how efficiently a charity will use your donation to fund the programs you want to support. CharityWatch exposes nonprofit abuses and advocates for your interests as a donor.

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Crowdfunding Popularity Continues to Soar Despite Risks to Donors

Several years ago most people probably had never heard the word crowdfunding Defined as the process of funding a project...


Costly and Continuous Kars4Kids Ads Disguise Charity's Real Purpose

Described by many as annoying and by SFGate com as the subject of widespread ubiquitous hate the catchy advertising jingle...


Reported Charity Salaries May Not Tell the Full Story

Donors often seek out information on charity executive salaries when considering whether or not to donate to a particular nonprofit...


The Senate Singles Out WWP For Bad Practices That Also Occur At Other Charities

Multiple media outlets including CBS News and The New York Times accused WWP of wasting donations on lavish spending such...


"CharityWatch has warned in advance of coming scandals at Feed the Children, Central Asia Institute, and Wounded Warrior Project. "

Barrons, 06/18/2016

More Praise

"Indeed, knowing how your dollars or donations will be used during and beyond an event is important before you give, [CharityWatch president, Daniel] Borochoff said. 'Sometimes a charity will raise more money than is needed for the cause, which could open the door for the charity to take advantage of having the overflow money,' he said. 'Find out how the money will be used and earmark your donation for a specific disaster so it's clear how you want your money allocated.' "

Mic.com, 08/28/2017

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