
Federal Digital Strategy Key Milestones

Focus Area





Data Centric


2.1 Engage with customers to identify at least two

existing major customer‐facing services that contain high‐value data or content as first‐move candidates to make compliant with new open data, content, and web API policy (Agencies)

1.1 Issue government‐wide open data, content, and web

API policy and identify standards and best practices for improved interoperability (OMB)

2.3 Expand to include API catalogue that centrally

aggregates web APIs posted on agencies’ /developer pages (GSA)




1.2) Ensure all new IT systems follow the open data, content, and

web API policy and operationalize pages;

2.2) Make high‐value data and content in at least two existing major customer‐facing systems available through web APIs, apply metadata tagging and publish a plan to transition additional high‐ value systems (Agencies)

Shared First

3.1 Establish a Digital Services Innovation

Center to improve the government’s delivery of digital services (GSA)

3.3 Release government‐wide bring‐your‐own‐device

(BYOD) guidance based on lessons learned from successful pilots at federal agencies (Advisory Board)

5.1 Establish government‐wide contract vehicle for mobile

devices and wireless service (GSA)

5.5 Set up a government‐wide mobile device management platform



3.2 Convene a Digital Services Advisory

Group to prioritize Innovation Center activities and help develop government‐wide best practices, guidance, and standards (OMB)

4.1 Recommend guidelines on agency‐wide

governance structure for developing and delivering digital services and managing data (Advisory Group)

4.2 Establish an agency‐wide governance structure for

developing and delivering digital services;

5.2 Develop an enterprise‐wide inventory of mobile devices and wireless service contracts (Agencies)

5.3 Evaluate government‐wide contract vehicles in the

alternatives analysis for all mobile‐related products (Agencies)




3.4 Identify shared and open content management system


3.5 Provide support to help agencies develop web APIs

(Innovation Center)

3.6 Launch a shared mobile app development program (Innovation

Center / Federal CIO Council)

5.4 Develop models for the delivery of commercial mobile apps into the federal environment (Advisory Group/Federal CIO Council)




7.1 Engage with customers to identify at least two existing priority customer‐facing services to optimize for mobile use (Agencies)

6.1 Recommend guidelines for improving digital services

and customer experience (Advisory Group/ Federal Web

Managers Council)

6.3 Ensure all new digital services follow digital services and

customer experience improvement guidelines;

7.2 Optimize at least two existing priority customer‐facing services for mobile use and publish a plan for improving additional existing services (Agencies)


8.1 Provide (Identify) tools and guidance for measuring

performance and customer satisfaction on digital services (Innovation Center)

6.2 Update the Dot Gov domain guidance and procedures

to help ensure all new digital services meet improvement guidelines and provide support to agencies (GSA)




8.2 Implement performance and customer satisfaction

measuring tools on all .gov websites (Agencies)


Security and



10.1 Report on NIST’s ongoing work in mobile

technology, including the applicability of NIST’s standards and guidelines to mobile devices and platforms (NIST)

10.2 Evaluate opportunities to accelerate the secure

adoption of mobile technologies into the federal environment at reduced cost (Advisory Group/ CIO Council)

9.1 Develop government‐wide mobile and wireless security

baseline (includes security reference architectures.) (DHS / DoD / NIST)



10.3 Develop guidelines for standardized implementation

of digital privacy controls and educate agency privacy and legal officials on options for addressing digital privacy, records retention, and security issues (Federal CIO Council



Legend: Innovation Center/Federal CIO Council/Advisory Group                                                                      Agencies -                                                                                          U.S.  General Services Administration (GSA)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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