For Advertisers

Extend the reach of your Facebook campaigns across the web.

Reach more people with Facebook Audience Network

With Audience Network, Facebook advertisers can reach their target audience across apps and sites on mobile and desktop. Audience Network supports a variety of advertiser objectives including traffic, conversion, app install, product catalog sales, video views, and reach.
Regardless of ad format, there’s no need for advertisers to upload new creative assets. Ads in Audience Network will automatically render to fit the placement type with the same creative assets used on Facebook.
News Feed ad
Native ad
Banner ad
Interstitial ad

One ad, more places

Extend your ads beyond Facebook with Audience Network.
Real people
With Facebook's people-based targeting, Audience Network delivers your ads to real people beyond Facebook.
Quality scale
Extend your reach across the web to high-quality apps and sites.
Real results
Leverage the same powerful Facebook advertising and measurement tools to achieve your business objectives.

Let's talk numbers

Extending campaigns beyond Facebook can lead to real results.
of top 500 apps are integrated with Audience Network*
more reach on average globally than on Facebook and Instagram alone**
increase in website conversions with Facebook and Audience Network combined***
Visit Facebook Business to get started today.

Want to learn more?

Additional resources to help you grow your business.

Facebook Business

Visit Facebook Business to find out how Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow.

Help Center

Get answers to your questions and step by step instructions on how to start running your ads on Audience Network.

Blueprint e-learning course

Learn how to scale your campaigns and which ad objectives, formats, ad types are available on Audience Network.
* Source: App Annie data and Facebook internal data, based on top 500 free and paid apps across Apple’s App Store and Google Play, December 2016
** Source: Facebook Internal Data, Global reach, December 2016
*** Source: Facebook Internal Data, Global reach, October 2016

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