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Facebook Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike Audiences

Find people similar to your customers and contacts.

Create a Lookalike Audience

People just like your customers are waiting to hear from you

Find and connect with people similar to your customers with Facebook Lookalike Audiences. Lookalike Audiences empower you to use customer information from website and mobile app visitors, people who like your Facebook Page or people in a Custom Audience. Created automatically from sources you upload or connect to Facebook, Lookalike Audiences are a fast and effective way to connect with more people likely to respond to your ads.

Facebook Lookalike Audience benefits

Your next customer looks like your current customer

When growing your business and finding new customers is your goal, Lookalike Audiences is the tool to help. Connecting with your key audience is as easy as a few clicks.

Current customers are the best source

You can create Facebook Lookalike Audiences from your customer and prospect lists, people who have visited your website or app or people who have interacted with your Facebook Page or ads. Or you can use a Custom Audience to build a Lookalike Audience.

Adjust as needed

By adding new audience sources or getting rid of old ones, lookalike audiences can be easily fine-tuned to get better results and meet changing audience profiles.

Lookalike audience targeting helped business like Land's End to reach new customers

Lookalike Audiences targeting is a very exciting feature. With this campaign, we were able to see a lift in our ads and truly reach people who hadn’t shopped with us before!

Giovanna Dimperio

Digital Marketing/Social Media Manager, Lands’ End

Start connecting with potential customers with Lookalike Audiences.

Additional resources

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

Facebook for Business

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