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Manage your Facebook Ads

Manage your ads

Here are four great ways to manage and measure your Facebook advertising.

Go to Ads Manager
Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager

Quickly create, edit and manage Facebook ads all in one place.

Ads Manager mobile app

Facebook Ads Manager app

Monitor and control your ads from anywhere using your smartphone or tablet.

Power Editor

Facebook Power Editor

For advertisers who operate at scale and need exact control of their ads, ad sets and campaigns.

Business Manager

Facebook Business Manager

Allows businesses to securely share and control access to their ad accounts, Pages and more.

Which way is right for you?

Creating great ads on Facebook is just the beginning. You’ll also want to measure the effectiveness, reach and quality of your ads. Our Facebook ad management tools give you several ways to do this, based on how many and what kinds of ads you’re running. See what’s working and what’s not, and experiment with different images and headlines to gauge what gets the best reaction. We also give you the ability to create and manage your ads right from your phone, wherever you happen to be.

Ads Manager

Use Ads Manager’s powerful features to analyze results and make informed changes to your ads and campaigns.

In Ads Manager you can:
  • Quickly duplicate your ads, ad sets and ad campaigns.
  • Edit all your ad settings, such as targeting and budget, from one place.
  • See all the metrics that matter to you, right from one consolidated view.
  • Customize your graphs and tables to see the metrics most important to you.
Read more about Ads Manager
Facebook Ads Manager interface on desktop

Ads Manager app

Facebook Ads Manager mobile app interface on iOS
Facebook Pages Manager app icon

Facebook Ads Manager

With the Facebook Ads Manager app for iOS and Android, you can monitor current ads or create new ones from anywhere.

Download the app for free on the App Store or Google Play Store, and:

  • Create ads
  • Edit existing ads
  • Track ad performance
  • Receive push notifications

Power Editor

Power Editor is a tool for advertisers who need specific, easy-to-understand control of their ads, ad sets and campaigns.

Using Power Editor you can:
  • Create and edit multiple ads quickly.
  • Search and filter ads to find only the info you need.
  • Manage the number of ads you run and your audiences more efficiently.
  • Track performance based on the metrics that are most important to you.
Read more about Power Editor
Facebook Power Editor interface on desktop

Business Manager

Facebook Business Manager interface on desktop

Business Manager allows advertisers to manage all of their ad accounts, Pages, apps and permissions in one place.

With Business Manager you can:
  • Create and manage separate ad accounts.
  • Move seamlessly between Ads Manager and Power Editor.
  • Get an overview or detailed views of ad spending and impressions.
  • Allow specific, role-based access to your ad accounts, Pages and apps.
Read more about Business Manager

Do more with your ads on Facebook.

Additional resources

Facebook Blueprint

Take our elearning courses on how to manage your ads.

Advertiser Help Center

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

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Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook Business Page.