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Facebook Messenger


Have ongoing conversations that get results

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Facebook Messenger on desktop and phone

Get personal with 1.2 billion potential customers1

More than 2 billion messages are sent between people and businesses every month on Messenger, both automated and people-initiated.2 You can use Messenger to reach people at scale, then continue to talk with each of them individually. Whether they want to learn about a new product or need to resolve an issue, you can tailor your interactions to meet their specific needs—and get closer to your business goals, one conversation at a time.

2 billionmessages are sent between people and businesses every month on Messenger, both automated and people-initiated.3

53%of people are more likely to shop with a business they can message directly.4

56%of people would rather message than call customer service.5

Talking with customers isn't new. How you're doing it is.

Whether you're interacting with a longtime customer or someone brand new, Messenger is your most versatile channel. Make suggestions, encourage purchases and offer support—all in one continuous conversation.

Use Instant Replies on Messenger to set automatic instant replies

Be responsive

Reply immediately with the right information using Instant Replies.

Share information about products, services, hours and location on Messenger

Provide information

Share products, services, hours and locations with rich native content.

Add shopping on Messenger

Drive sales

Make the checkout process easy with native payments or mobile webview.

Add customer service on Messenger

Offer support

Talk to customers using live chat or set up automated answers to FAQs.

Set reminders for events, products and announcements on Messenger

Send reminders

Ping people about upcoming events, products and other announcements.

Take notes on turning conversations into conversions

These businesses are using Messenger to meet people where they are.

  • An example of booking appointment on Messenger

  • Sephora acquired new customers

    The cosmetics giant built an easy interface that lets people choose their preferred store location and service, then instantly shows the closest dates and times. People can even book an appointment entirely in Messenger.

  • An example of customer support on Messenger

  • Humans created highly memorable bot experiences

    This UK broadcaster created a highly original Messenger experience for fans of its hit TV show, leading to an 13-point lift in ad recall and 5.1 million interactions with the Humans bot.

  • An example of a chat bot on Messenger

  • Globe Telecom helped customers help themselves

    This telecom company used a hybrid bot in Messenger to provide personal and efficient customer service—increasing employee productivity by 3.5x and reduced calls to its hotline by 50%.

Hi, do you guys sell bike helmets?

Hello! Yes we do carry bike helmets. Please indicate your preferred size so we can better assist you.


Great! We have a size medium in green and blue. Which color would your prefer?


The most human part of your company might not be human at all

Speak with customers in your company's unique voice and tone, and do it at scale. The Messenger Platform is your toolkit for building custom bots, rich content and auto responses for a range of roles, from service to sales.

Learn about the Messenger Platform

Here's how to start using Messenger

How to use Messenger for your business

Help people find you

Turn on messaging for your Page and follow best practices for being responsive.

Discover messaging best practices

Encourage conversation

Invite your customers to reach out by providing plugins, codes and links, and by running click to Messenger ads on Facebook and Instagram.

Explore entry points for discovery

Stay top of mind

Once people have communicated with you, check back in with a sponsored message.

Learn more at the Advertiser Help Center

Get to know Messenger with these Blueprint courses

Messenger: Connect and Communicate with Customers

Send/Receive API: Building for the Messenger Platform

Not ready to build? Manage messages from your Page

You don't have to build on the Messenger Send/Receive API to achieve great results with messages. Messaging is automatically integrated with every Facebook Page, and it's an easy way to connect with customers and answer their questions privately.

Learn about messaging on your Page

Your customers are waiting—start the conversation today

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

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