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Working Papers

These papers are working drafts of research which often appear in final form in academic journals. The published versions may differ from the working versions provided here.

Amir Goldberg, Sameer B. Srivastava, V. Govind Manian, Christopher Potts
December 8, 2015

How do people adapt to organizational culture and what are the consequences for their outcomes in the organization? These fundamental questions about culture have previously been examined using self-report measures, which are subject to reporting...

Iván Marinovic
December 1, 2015

We estimate and test a model of voluntary disclosure in which a manager’s information set is uncertain (Dye 1985; Jung and Kwon 1988). In this model, a manager makes his disclosure decision to maximize the market price,...

Navdeep S. Sahni, Dan Zou, Pradeep Chintagunta
November 25, 2015

The prevalence and widespread usage of email has given businesses a direct and cost effective way of providing consumers with targeted discount offers. While these discounts are expected to increase the demand for the promoted...

Iván Marinovic, Andrzej Skrzypacz, Felipe Varas
November 19, 2015

We study firm’s incentives to invest and build reputation for quality, when quality can be certified at a cost. We consider two types of equilibria: one in which certification decisions are made based on firm’s...

Stephan Seiler, Song Yao, Wang Wenbo
November 18, 2015

We leverage a temporary block of the Chinese microblogging platform Sina Weibo due to political events to estimate the causal effect of user-generated microblogging content on product demand in the context of TV show viewership....

Renee Bowen, George Georgiadis, Nicolas S. Lambert
November 15, 2015

Two heterogeneous agents exert effort over time to complete a project and collectively decide its scope. A larger scope requires greater cumulative effort and delivers higher benefits upon completion. To study the scope under collective...

Katherine Casey, Rachel Glennerster, Kelly Bidwell
November 13, 2015

Candidate debates have a rich history, offer a unique communication forum, and are integral to contemporary campaign strategy. There is, however, little evidence on whether they affect actual voting behavior. The developing world offers an...

Aruna Ranganathan
November 13, 2015

Using ethnographic, experimental and survey data from an Indian handicraft cluster, this paper studies the conditions under which individuals who identify with their work prioritize financial rewards in their economic decisions. I argue that the...

Katherine Casey
November 11, 2015

Individuals draw inferences from thin slices of information–a glance at a photo, a twenty second audio clip–that have been shown to predict real world outcomes of interest in a variety of markets. This paper presents...

Stefan J. Reichelstein, Ansu Sahoo
November 1, 2015

This paper develops a model framework and a corresponding empirical inference procedure for estimating long-run marginal cost in industries where production costs decline over time. In the context of the solar photovoltaic module industry, we...

Will Gornall, Ilya A. Strebulaev
November 1, 2015

Over the past 30 years, venture capital has become a dominant force in the financing of innovative American companies. From Google to Intel to FedEx, companies supported by venture capital have profoundly changed the U.S....

Darrell Duffie, Lei Qiao, Yeneng Sun
November 2015

We demonstrate the existence of a continuum of agents conducting directed random searches for counterparties, and characterize the implications. Our results provide the first probabilistic foundation for static and dynamic directed random search (including the...

Elizabeth Pontikes, William P. Barnett
November 2015

Salient successes and failures, such as spectacular venture capital investments or agonizing bankruptcies, affect consensus beliefs about the viability of particular markets. We argue that collective sense making in the wake of such vital events...

Charles M. C. Lee, Eric C. So
November 2015

This study demonstrates that standard analyst coverage proxies contain information about firm-level expected returns. We decompose analyst coverage proxies into abnormal and expected components using a simple characteristic-based model and show that firms with abnormally...

Darrell Duffie, Haoxiang Zhu
October 27, 2015

Size discovery refers to the use of trade mechanisms by which large quantities of an asset can be exchanged at a price that does not respond to price pressure. Primary examples of size discovery include...

Ken Shotts, Alexander V. Hirsch
October 10, 2015

Political institutions often use decision making procedures that create veto players—individuals or groups who, despite lacking direct decision making authority, nevertheless have the power to  block policy change. In this paper we use the competitive...

Robert A. Burgelman
October 2015

This paper documents complex strategic integration (CSI) at Nike that helped drive the company toward developing a global women’s fitness business, which extended the corporate strategy and required collaboration of multiple business units. The study...

Charles M. C. Lee, Eric C. So, Charles C. Y. Wang
October 2015

We develop and implement a rigorous analytical framework for empirically evaluating the relative performance of firm-level expected-return proxies (ERPs), based on the premise that superior proxies should closely track true expected returns both cross-sectionally and...

Amir Goldberg, Sameer B. Srivastava, V. Govind Manian, Will Monroe, Christopher Potts
September 15, 2015

A recurring theme in sociological research is the tradeoff between fitting in and standing out. Prior work examining this tension has tended to take either a network structural or a cultural perspective. We instead fuse...

Nur Sunar, Erica Plambeck
September 8, 2015
A state with climate policy may impose a tax on imported products for greenhouse gas emissions that occur in production and transportation to its border (a so-called border adjustment). A buyer may voluntarily commit to offset its...