
Jeffrey Pfeffer speaking in a classroom
In a world where a junior staffer can tweet to the CEO, the lines that traditionally delineated power and influence have been blurred. So much so, in fact, that when Jeffrey Pfeffer teaches about corporate America’s hierarchical power structure, his students often push back. That model of power...
Maeve L.J. Richard
Maeve L.J. Richard, MBA ’84, has been named assistant dean and director of the Career Management Center at Stanford Graduate School of Business. A career advisor since July 2013, Richard came to Stanford following a career in finance at large and small for profit and nonprofit companies in a...
Scaling Up Excellence:Getting to More Without Settling for Lessby Robert I. Sutton and Huggy Rao Crown Business, 2014   Find it @ Stanford (Hardcover, Kindle, Audiobook CD) Scaling Up Excellence shows what it takes to build and uncover pockets of...
Mall food court restaurants
Private equity firms often get a bad rap in the popular media — picture Gordon Gekko in the 1980s movie Wall Street and, more recently, negative characterizations during the last presidential election — but new research by Stanford faculty member Shai Bernstein should dispel some of the myths...
Businessmen shaking hands
The litany of prominent corporate failures in the last decade — Enron, WorldCom, Lehman Brothers, and so on — ushered in an increase in regulatory requirements for corporate governance. The result is that every year, companies spend tens of millions of dollars on incentive compensation, director...
