
STANFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS—Borders restrict the free flow of people, goods and ideas, confining small nations with relatively fewer resources or markets while benefiting large countries with access to greater pools of capital, ideas, and buyers. Redrawing maps has affected economic...
STANFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS—Meetings with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Israeli elder statesman and Nobel laureate Shimon Peres and former Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, and former Philippine President Corazon Aquino highlighted winter holiday 2005 study trips organized by...
STANFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS—In rural India, a loan of $50 can spell the difference between poverty and economic self-sufficiency for an entire family. Such is the power of microlending, a form of finance that is helping to eradicate poverty in countries all over the world. Vinod Khosla,...
STANFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS—Stanford MBA students who took part in an intense week of living, learning, and bonding with peers at the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore (IIMB) last summer got to expand their understanding of the rapidly developing Indian nation beyond the usual...
STANFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS —Twenty million low-birth weight babies are born each year and four million of them die within their first month of life. But Stanford Graduate School of Business alum Jane Chen, MBA ‘08, is seeking to change that statistic one baby step at a time. Chen is...
Sam Goldman and Ned Tozun
After taking a Stanford cross-disciplinary course called Design for Extreme Affordability, Sam Goldman and Ned Tozun, members of the Stanford MBA Class of '07, founded D.light Design, a company specializing in affordable off-grid lighting. Goldman, who is now the CEO of D.light, was interviewed...
STANFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS - Calling education "the most important problem that we have to solve in this country," an official of the U.S. Department of Education warned that other nations are doing a better job than the United States of educating their young people. Too often American...
STANFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS — In 1974, Narayana Murthy was detained at a railroad station in Bulgaria for almost five days without food and water. His crime? During a train trip he spoke with a local woman about the travails of living in an Iron Curtain country. Throughout that long...
MUMBAI, INDIA—Reliance Industries Limited and the Stanford Graduate School of Business today announced the creation of the Reliance Dhirubhai India Education Fund to support promising Indian students with financial need in obtaining an MBA at Stanford. Each year, Stanford Business School may award...
Five compelling individuals from diverse regions throughout India have been selected as the first-ever class of Reliance Dhirubhai Fellows. They will receive full financial support during their two-year MBA studies at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, starting in September 2009. The...
