Contact The Division

RFK Building

Before communicating with ENRD, please read our Privacy Policy for details about how we handle personal information.

By Mail
Correspondence to the Department of Justice, Environment and Natural Resources Division including the Assistant Attorney General, may be sent to:

U.S. Department of Justice
Environment and Natural Resources Division
Law and Policy Section
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530-0001

By Phone
Please call (202)514-2701 to contact the ENRD Officials listed below:

John C. Cruden, Assistant Attorney General (AAG)
Sam Hirsch, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General (PDAAG)
Bruce S. Gelber, Deputy Assistant Attorney General
Lisa Jones, Deputy Assistant Attorney General
Jean Williams, Deputy Assistant Attorney General & Acting Chief of Staff

Andrew Collier, Executive Officer
Karen Wardzinski, Chief, Law and Policy Section
James C. Kilbourne, Chief, Appellate Section
Deborah L. Harris, Chief, Environmental Crimes Section
Letitia Grishaw, Chief, Environmental Defense Section
W. Benjamin Fisherow, Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section
Craig Alexander, Chief, Indian Resources Section
Andrew Goldfrank, Chief, Land Acquisition Section
Lisa L. Russell, Chief, Natural Resources Section
Seth M. Barsky, Chief, Wildlife and Marine Resources Section

By E-Mail

E-mails will be forwarded to the responsible individual within the component for appropriate handling. Please include your mailing address in the event that the Department replies via United States Postal Service.  Comments on proposed consent decrees should be submitted according to the directions in the pertinent Federal Register notice (and not to this email account).  This e-mail account is not available for service of official, case-related or legal documents, and is not monitored for such submissions or for other time-sensitive communications.  E-mails with attachments will be deleted because they may contain viruses.


Updated July 27, 2015