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Invest Radiol. 2004 May;39(5):300-3.

Neurostimulation system used for deep brain stimulation (DBS): MR safety issues and implications of failing to follow safety recommendations.

Author information

The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA.


The use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with neurostimulation systems used for deep brain stimulation requires the utmost care, and no individual should undergo an MR examination in the absence of empirical evidence that the procedure can be performed safely. The risks of performing MRI in patients with neurostimulators include those associated with heating, magnetic field interactions, induced currents, and the functional disruption of these devices. The exact safety recommendations for the particular neurostimulation system with regard to the pulse generator, leads, electrodes, operational conditions for the device, the positioning of these components, and the MR system conditions must be carefully followed for MRI. As highlighted by 2 recent accidents, the failure to strictly follow safety recommendations (eg, use a 1.5-T MR system with a send/receive head radiofrequency coil only; limit the specific absorption rate to 0.4 W/kg; etc.) may result in serious, temporary, or permanent injury to the patient including the possibility of transient dystonia, paralysis, coma, or even death.

[Indexed for MEDLINE]

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