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J Immunol Methods. 1986 May 1;89(1):61-72.

Mouse x human heterohybridomas as fusion partners with human B cell tumors.


Surface idiotype (Id) of B cell malignancies is an excellent tumor-specific marker. We have, however, recently described heterogeneity of tumor Id in some cases. We therefore sought a way to isolate, reliably and efficiently, different species of idiotype from a potentially heterogeneous population. In this report we demonstrate our success using a series of mouse X human heterohybridomas as fusion partners with human B cell tumors. Three lines (K6H6/B5, K6H9/G12, SBC/H20) demonstrated excellent fusion efficiency with 75%-85% of wells plated containing hybrids. Two cell lines, K6H9/G12 and SBC/H20 had a tendency to secrete a single Ig chain (heavy or light chain), whereas the K6H6/B5 cell line secreted whole immunoglobulin (Ig) in greater than 80% of the hybrids. This line secreted significant amounts of Ig (2.73 micrograms/ml/10(6) cells) and was relatively stable in culture. Since this line has such a high fusion efficiency the products of normal B cells admixed with tumor may be recovered, allowing the opportunity of isolating host anti-tumor antibodies. In order to prove that hybrids were derived from the tumor, Southern blot analysis of rearranged DNA was performed in selected cases. Fusions with this line provide the potential for recovering many different species of idiotype in a mixed population. This will facilitate the production of mouse monoclonal anti-idiotype antibodies against many variants and against different idiotopes.

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