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J Magn Reson Imaging. 1994 Mar-Apr;4(2):189-96.

Time-resolved MR imaging by automatic data segmentation.

Author information

Department of Radiology, Richard M. Lucas Center for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging, Stanford University, CA 94305-5488.


A method for time-resolved imaging that provides a flexible trade-off between imaging time and temporal resolution is presented. It is based on a view order selection technique that automatically segments the acquired raw data into appropriate temporal frames. When used with cardiac monitoring and phase-contrast imaging, data similar to that obtained with a conventional gated phase-contrast sequence are acquired rapidly. For many applications, the temporal resolution can be reduced enough to permit imaging within a breath-hold interval, while still allowing accurate time-averaged flow quantitation. This is a general technique that can be implemented within a variety of pulse sequences and can resolve other motion cycles, including the respiratory cycle.

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