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Procurement Department
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Contracting Activity in the County

Published on: 4/21/2015 2:58 PM

How the County buys something, and which departments you should contact, depend on what kinds of services or products you sell.


Centralized Procurement Goods and Non-Professional Services

The Procurement Department in the County of Santa Clara awards contracts for the procurement of goods and non-professional services in support of departments who provide essential governmental services for the residents of the County of Santa Clara. Contracts are generally awarded based on competitive bidding.

Please view our Procurement Vendor Guide on how to do business with the Procurement Department for more detailed information.


Centralized Procurement Construction/ Public Works Contracts

Public Works/construction contracts are awarded based on competitive bidding by the following departments:

Parks and Recreation

Roads and Airports

Facilities and Fleet/Capital Programs awards construction contracts for all departments other than Parks & Recreation and Roads & Airports

Departments listed above also award construction-related Architect and Engineer contracts.


Professional Services and Community Based Organization Contracts

Professional service contracts and contracts with community based organizations are generally awarded by individual County Departments. There are over 26 separate County agencies/departments handling these types of service contracts and you would need to contact each department. SCC Agencies & Departments