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Register to Vote

Published on: 7/1/2015 5:15 PM

Check Your Voter Registration Status



Register to Vote 
California Online 
Voter Registration System


How to Register to Vote 



Reggie says: Are you registered to vote? 
​Change Your Address & 
U​pdate Your Voter Registration

As required by law, the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters provides voting materials in the following languages: English, Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. 

To reach our bilingual staff for assistance, please call:
Chinese: (408) 282-3086
Spanish: (408) 282-3095
Tagalog: (408) 535-3916
Vietnamese: (408) 282-3097

Or call: (408) 299-VOTE [8683] or, toll free: (866) 430-VOTE [8683]