




Diary of the Displaced - Book 4 - Footprints
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 42,510. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016 by Element 12 Ltd. Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Apocalyptic, Fiction » Horror » General
Book 4 of the Best-selling Diary of the Displaced series Connor Halldon believed what he had been told as a child. His mother had died in combat on a distant world. Until he finds an old message that had been left for him on the same day that she had fallen in combat. Now he doesn't know what to believe. Has his whole life since that day been based on lies?
Bet & Win Cricket with Secret Formula
Price: $2.24 USD. Words: 43,970. Language: Hindi. Published: May 7, 2016. Categories: Nonfiction » Sports & outdoor recreation » Cricket
मैने इस पुस्तक के प्रथम भाग मे क्रिकेट से सम्बंधित किसी टीम के लिये रन कैसे निकाले /हार जीत कैसे देखे लिखा है| इसमे 80-90% तक सही पाये गये है, फिर भी जीत टीम के खिलाड़ियों पर और पिच पर निर्भर करती है| इसमे एस्ट्रोलॉजी और न्यूमरोलॉजी का सहारा लिया गया है| दूसरे भाग मे मुम्बई मटका या अन्य लॉटरी अंको के फॉर्मूले से कैसे लाभ उठाये, और तीसरे भाग मे शेयर ट्रेड मार्केट से सम्बंधित और मंत्र साधना करके भी
Is Father Christmas Real?
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 19,420. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Visionary & Metaphysical
Learn all about the Christmas ‘secret’ in a magical way through this fantasy adventure and hold the magic of Christmas forever. One Christmas at nine years of age, Leo begins to wonder why he’s never seen Father Christmas. He receives an unusual present under the Christmas Tree, which starts him on a journey to meet magical friends who teach him all about the Spirit of Christmas.
Grandma Found a Gecko
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 310. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Animals, Fiction » African American fiction » General
Windows shook and trembled, and neighbors assembled, when Grandma and a gecko meet each other in this read-aloud book for ages 2 to 10. As classics such as Margery William's The Velveteen Rabbit, and Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are, Grandma Found a Gecko is a tale even adult readers will enjoy and love without fail.
Learn and Understand Brainstorming
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 5,240. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016 by Can Akdeniz. Categories: Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Skills
With so much stewing in companies with the help of brainstorming, I am surprised that I still have organizations and individuals ask the question – What is brainstorming?
You set the price! Words: 156,400. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016. Categories: Fiction » Historical » General
Yes having been sojourned not being a good-or bad-citizen. Instead of gaining nil as a starting point I was as happy as punch, and was going to perform nothing within the rules of the highest discipline I had been taught by my grandfather by my mother side migrated from Russia. It did not occur to me that I might have to ask any prime minister in Turkey to undress.
Jesse and the Thinkers
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 66,720. Language: British English. Published: May 7, 2016. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary, Fiction » Adventure » General
In a normal world, 12 year old Jesse Winkler is one of the few who dare to stand out. 'A weirdo,' the children at the adventure playground call him, and not just because of his red bow tie. Strange things always seem to happen when Jesse is around. But one person's weirdo, is another person's hero. Jesse and the Thinkers is an adventure story of friendship, magical mystery and suspense.
Справочник Таро Западной традиции
Price: $2.00 USD. Words: 28,910. Language: Russian. Published: May 7, 2016. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion and Spirituality » Eastern mysticism, Fiction » Literature » Religious
Уникальный сборник по гаданию на картах Таро, включающий в себя как авторские наработки, так и собранную воедино информацию, ранее которую каждый практик выискивал по крупицам.
Family Honour
Series: Sam Smith Mysteries. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 42,700. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016 by Goylake Publishing. Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Women Sleuths, Fiction » Mystery & detective » General
A Sam Smith Mystery Book Seven in the Sam Smith Mystery Series
Los hijos de Mathnnow
Price: $1.77 USD. Words: 23,520. Language: Spanish. Published: May 7, 2016. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Epic, Fiction » Adventure » General
Un niño marcado por el misterio de su nacimiento forjará, con el paso de los años, armas mágicas con el negro metal de una estrella caída del cielo, armas que unidas a un insólito viaje al otro mundo, marcarán el trágico destino de los hijos de Mathnnow. Una navegación imposible hasta los confines del océano supondrá su legendaria redención.
Mom, Alzheimer's and Me: Every Day Is Mother's Day
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 16,230. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016. Categories: Nonfiction » Health, wellbeing, & medicine » Diseases / Alzheimer’s & dementia, Nonfiction » Relationships and Family » Family relationships
Cindy’s journey into the world of Alzheimer’s began in 2008. Her mother would forget a friend’s name, misplace her money, repeatedly ask the same question, or simply forget what Cindy had said just five minutes ago. Tracing the various stages of Alzheimer’s that Cindy and her Mom have gone through, this book is an honest, humorous and poignant portrayal of their struggle with the disease.
Mai Sakshi is Dharti Ki
Price: $2.10 USD. Words: 17,420. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016. Categories: Fiction » Historical » General
सम्भवतः मेरा जन्म तब हुआ था, जब इस भू मंडल की रचना की गयी थी। तब से लेकर आज तक मैं बालुका बन कर सागर की गोद में लहराती आई हूँ। समय के साथ साथ हर आती जाती लहरें मुझे भीगाती आई है। इन लहरों से मेरा एक अटूट रिश्ता कायम है। मैने इस अटल अनंत सृष्टी की हर रचना को ध्यान पूर्वक अपने अंतर्मन में कैद कर उसकी चाबी कहीं दूर शुन्य के गहरे अंधकार में फैंक दी है। तब से लेकर आज तक युग युग के हर उस पल का साक्षी बन
The Queen of Underword
Price: $4.49 USD. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016 by Golden Fleece Australia Pty Ltd. Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Historical / Ancient Civilizations
While Persephone was dancing, singing, and picking up flowers on the field, suddenly, Hades appeared and grabbed her before she could scream for help and took her into the Underworld………….
The Canyon House
Price: $4.97 USD. Words: 83,680. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016 by Pen-L Publishing. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Coming of age, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Family
Even the most beautiful summer can turn dark and cold in a moment. For nine-year-old tomboy Poppy, moving to the wilderness of the canyon and the ramshackle house was a dream come true. But as the temperature dropped and the dark clouds rolled over the canyon walls, she couldn't have foreseen the secrets that should have been shared or the life-and-death events that would unfold.
Gingerbread Bride
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 19,210. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Historical
Travelling with her father’s fleet has left Mary Pritchard ill-prepared for London Society, and prey to the machinations of false friends. When she strikes out on her own to find a more suitable locale to take up her solitary spinsterhood, she finds adventure, trouble, and her girlhood hero, riding once more to her rescue. This novella first appeared in the Bluestocking Belles 2015 box set.
Passages of Our Broken Hearts (Volume 1)
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 27,420. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016. Categories: Nonfiction » Relationships and Family » Emotions, Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Emotional healing
When poetry meets heartbreak,Passages of Our Broken Hearts is born and life changing. Gain introductory advice on how to move on from your past relationship and read 32 astounding passages from Author Phillip Singer guaranteed to take a story right out of your life's own book. Read 10 passages from his followers as well. Get your questions answered in the Frequently Asked Question section as well.
Minimalism: Cleanse Your Life, Become A Calmer Person.
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 21,860. Language: British English. Published: May 7, 2016. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Personal Growth / General, Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Consumerism
This book will take you on a journey, helping you de-clutter and organize the many facets of your lifestyle, to create a vastly simpler and more fulfilling existence. You will endeavour to get more out of your home, your things, your money and your life. The end result should be that you can become calmer at your core, and better able to deal with all that life throws your way.
Chaloklum, The Village of No Last Names
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 99,180. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016 by Black Opal Books. Categories: Nonfiction » Biography » Adventurers & explorers, Nonfiction » Biography » Personal memoir
Chaloklum, The Village of No Last Names is about taking a chance. It’s a love story and shows how one can’t help but be influenced by Buddhism, whether or not you’re a follower, while you’re living in its cradle. It’s a tale about finding a home that came in the form of a fishing village on an island in the Gulf of Thailand.
Ernie and the Evils of Insurance
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 159,810. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016 by Black Opal Books. Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » Police Procedural, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Crime thriller
Ernie, an experienced logger from rural Washington State, loses his job when the logging operation he works for is shut down due to the spotted owl. When he goes in to apply for unemployment, Ernie is persuaded to take a job out of state as a temporary insurance adjuster in Los Angeles. Unprepared for the corruption rampant in the insurance industry, Ernie soon finds himself in trouble...
The Diary of V Frankenstein
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 33,010. Language: English. Published: May 7, 2016 by Kristell Ink. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Short stories
The sins of the father are to be laid upon the children. Dr Victor Frankenstein thought he had seen the last of his monsters when they promised to stay away from humanity, but in the twilight years of his life his hopes are shattered.