Fingate Cash Handling & Deposits / Funds Management > Gift Transmittals > About Gift Transmittals

About Gift Transmittals

What Is the Gift Transmittals Tool?

Gift Transmittal is an online, easy-to-use tool that enables schools and departments to enter, approve and track gifts made to the University.

Why Use Gift Transmittals?

Gift Transmittals provides the following benefits:

  • Automated Workflow Routing

    Routes gift transmittals through each step of the process, collecting approvals and notifying each person in the workflow of required action

  • Transparency

    Provides visibility into the status of each gift transmittal, and the individuals participating in each review and approval phase

  • Accuracy

    Utilizes system controls to ensure data entered by central and distributed users is accurate

  • Documentation Repository

    Maintains uploaded donor documents that can be easily accessed for review

  • Shorter Process Time

    Expedites the approval process by automatically routing and tracking electronic signatures

How Do I Get Started in Gift Transmittals?

Training is required before access is granted to Gift Transmittals. Visit the Training and Access sections to learn more.


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